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•Hunter's POV•

~Two weeks later~

"Got all your stuff packed?" Mom asked.

"Yes," I replied.

"Stuff to do on the way?"

"Yes, Mom."

"More than just play on your phone?"

I rolled my eyes. "Yes, Mom."

"Okay. Then we're all set. Could you help your sister get buckled?"

One last time, I said, "Yes, Mom," and walked to the left side of the minivan to help my little sister get situated.

Lucy was four, but she still used one of those car seat contraptions with the 17 buckles. "Hey, Lucy, ready for vacation?" I asked.

"Yeah!" she cheered.

I laughed and kissed her forehead, done with strapping her in.

My family was going to Chicago, Illinois for a week. But since there was nothing for me to do, my parents had agreed to let me go to a church camp that just so happened to be that same week. I was excited, but nervous.

Luckily, my best friend Alex was coming with me. His parents just thought he was coming on vacation so I would have a friend, but really, we would be attending Encounter Camp.

Hopefully it would be just as amazing as Fusion. The only downside? No Kaila at this one.

Kaila was a girl I'd had a crush on last year at camp. I'd wanted to keep in touch, but we never did, and once I finally found her on Instagram, I realized it was a private account.

So, not wanting to be an awkward stalker, I just left it alone and didn't try following her. It killed me a little bit each day, not getting to talk to her. But I guess some things just weren't meant to be.

We headed out to pick up Alex, and once he was situated in the minivan with my family, we were off! I couldn't wait to see what Encounter-and Chicago-would be like.

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