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•Hunter's POV•

Now that games and lunch were over for the day, we were free to do whatever we wanted. Until dinner, of course.

"Hey, wanna play some ping-pong?" Alex asked me.

"Sure," I replied, so we headed to the gaming area and rented a ball and some paddles.

As we played, Alex hit me with some shocking news. "I talked to Rosie."

The ball soared past me as I stood there in shock. "You did?"


"What about?" I bent to pick up the ping-pong ball, and hit it back to Alex. No use pausing the game for chit chat.

"Well, her sister told me she was really upset the other day. Like crying and stuff. So I agreed to talk to her."

"What about?" I repeated. He hadn't exactly answered the question.

"Just stuff. She's been dealing with a lot. Did you know her dad died?"

"What, seriously?"

"Yeah. Two years ago, apparently."

"Wow...that's awful," I said sadly.

"Yeah, I know right? Well, I talked to her about that, and then she told me how she was so happy that me and you were here. But Kaila told her you don't like her...or something like that."

"She did?"

"I guess," he answered.


"Is that bad?"

"No. I mean, it's true. I don't like Rosie. I guess it was just shocking to see her."

"Yeah, same," he agreed.

"And I do like Kaila-"

"Obviously. You don't exactly need to be Einstein to figure that one out."

I blushed a little. "Yeah, I guess."

"Don't worry. She likes you too, man."

"I know." I smiled at the thought of her, then shook my head to clear it. This wasn't supposed to be about Kaila; this was supposed to be about ping-pong. I tried to focus on the game as best I could.

But in the end, Alex beat me by two points. "Wanna see what the girls are up to?" he asked.

"Yeah, let's go."

We set out to find Kaila and Amber.

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