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•Hunter's POV•

After Alex and I played a couple games of foosball and basketball, we decided to go to the pool. On the way back to our dorm, we spotted Kaila and Amber.

"Let's invite them to join," I suggested to Alex, and he agreed. "Hey, girls!"

They turned to look at us. "Oh, hey!" said Kaila.

"Wanna go to the pool with us?"

"Actually, I kinda wanted to check out the lake. It opened today."

"Oh, that's right! We'll meet you guys there."

"Okay! See you there." She smiled and waved as she and Amber headed down the path towards the lake.

Alex and I rushed upstairs to our room and changed into our swim trunks. After getting towels and sunglasses, we raced back outside to meet the girls. They hadn't gotten far, so we ran to catch up with them.

"You could've told us to wait," Kaila said with a laugh as she watched Alex and I pant for breath.

"It-it's o-okay," I breathed unsteadily.

They waited for us to regain our strength before continuing down the path. It was a beautiful day, and even better with these three by my side.

When we got to the lake, the first thing Kaila wanted to do was go on a canoe ride.

"Ugh, I don't like canoeing very much," Amber complained. "Can we do the trampoline instead?"

"Well...I really wanted to do this," Kaila admitted. "How bout you and Alex head to the trampoline, and Hunter and I will take a quick canoe ride?" She turned to me. "That is, if you want to."

"I'd love to."

"Then it's settled." She handed me a paddle and we put on some life jackets before getting in the canoe.

Amber and Alex waved as they trekked through the sand. I was happy for my friend. Maybe today would be the day he told Amber how he felt.

As for me...I was a nervous wreck. I wanted to tell Kaila that I liked her, but I wasn't sure she felt the same way. I mean, we were definitely friends, but did she want to be more?

Before I could think too much about it, we were out on the water. We paddled through the lake, enjoying the view. The water sparkled in the sunlight, and there were beach houses and cliffs off in the distance. Everything was so beautiful.

Speaking of beautiful, I turned my head to look at Kaila, who was sitting across from me. Her blonde ponytail was still dry, since we hadn't gotten in the actual water yet, and she didn't have her glasses on.


She startled, and looked back at me. "Yeah?"

It was now or never. There was nothing to hold me back now. I had to come clean. I just had to!

Finally, I said the words that had been on my mind all afternoon-and practically all year!

"I know this is kind of random but...I really like you."

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