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•Hunter's POV•

Before I could think too much about what had happened between me and Kaila, it was time for the first game. I was excited to find out what it was. Games were one of my favorite parts about camp.

Pastor Brett gathered us all outside and announced that we would be playing gaga ball. Basically, two teams stand around in a circular pin, and try to knock out the other players by hitting the ball at their feet. You can't kick it; you have to bend down and hit it at one of the other players. It seemed pretty easy.

My team got to go first. We were against the blue team, which had one of my roommates, Adam.

"You're goin' down, Adam!" I called to him.

The game began, and it was a race to see who could hit the ball first. There was only one, and you could only hit it when it came your way. When it spiraled towards me, I smacked it as hard as I could, and sent it rolling towards Adam.

He blocked it, and went for one of my team's players.

It went on for awhile, until it was just me, Adam, and Jordyn. I was the last one left on my team. I was kind of at a disadvantage, because they were on the same team, and if one of them got me out, the game would be over. Also, they were both really athletic and competitive.

I tried to block their shots, but in the end, Jordyn got me out. "Yeeeeaaaah!" she cheered, high-fiving Adam.

I smirked at him. "Good game."

Next up was black and green. I laughed when I realized that Rain and Lincoln were against each other. Alex was on the black team, too, so I stayed and cheered for him.

I saw Kaila standing off in the distance. She was with Amber, and they were talking and laughing about something. She looked so beautiful; I couldn't tear my eyes away.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer."

I jumped, and turned to see Kallen. "Whoa, you scared me!"

"Sorry. But seriously, if you want to talk to her, just do it."

"You seem really cool about this," I remarked.

"Well, I am. Kaila and I are really close, and you're my friend. It only seems fair."

"You think?"

He looked across the field at Kaila, then back at me. "Yeah. Go talk to her, man."

I rubbed my hands together, trying to psych myself up.

Kallen laughed. "You really like her, don't you?"

"Is it that obvious?"

"Kinda," he admitted.

"So...I really should talk to her?"

"What are you so worried about? You guys are friends, right?"

"Well yeah. Of course. But it's just...different. I don't know. We haven't seen each other in so long and now..."

"I get it. But I really think you should talk to her."

I looked at Kaila, who was now looking in my direction. Finally, I made the move and walked over to her. Amber had disappeared, so we were all by ourselves. I mean, there were dozens of people around, but no one within ten feet of us.

"What were you and Kallen talking about?" she asked curiously.

"Oh, just guy stuff. How are you?"

"I'm good. How are you?"

"Great," I said, smiling. There was never a dull moment with her. "Oh, and sorry for being so weird earlier. It was just a rough night, I guess."

"I see. Sorry for pressuring you...if I was."

"It's fine. So, did you like the game?"

"I did. It was really fun," she replied.

"Yeah, I thought so too. I'd never played before, though."

"They had it once at Fusion, I think. But I guess you weren't there."

"Yeah..." I said, memories of camp flooding through my brain. "Look, Kaila..."

Before I could finish my sentence, though, Amber returned. "Hey guys!"

"Hi," I said weakly. I was just about to tell Kaila how I felt, when Amber came in. Now I had to wait til our next moment alone. And who knew when that would be?

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