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•Rain's POV•

After going to the snack shack with my friends, I decided I was in the mood for a game. "Hey, does anyone wanna play Catch Phrase? I brought it from home."

"Ooo, me!" Emily exclaimed.

"I love that game!" Jordyn agreed.

"I'll play," said Lincoln.

Blake and Adam looked at each other. "Okay, we're in."

I spotted Kaila, Hunter, Amber, and Alex approaching, and waved them over. "Do you want to play Catch Phrase with us?" I asked.

"Sure!" Kaila answered.

Everyone else agreed, so we walked to the chapel and sat in a circle out in the hallway. Emily knew not to sit by me, since the teams went every-other-person. Adam sat between us.

"Wanna do guys against girls?" There was an even amount of both, so it would make sense.

"Sure"s and "yeah"s were heard amongst the group, and I smiled.

Lincoln sat down next to me. "You're going down," he said to me, for the second time that day.

"In your dreams," I replied, shoving him in the shoulder.

The circle went: Blake, Jordyn, Alex, Emily, Adam, me, Lincoln, Kaila, Hunter, Amber. We girls declared ourselves team one, because we were obviously going to win. So the boys were team two.

"What category should we do?" Emily, who was holding the game, asked.

"Just do variety," I suggested.

"Okay." She pressed start, and the game began. "Ooo! Okay, it's a type of sport with bats and-"

"Baseball!" Jordyn called out.

Emily passed the game to Adam, who said, "Um, it's a type of seafood, I think. And it's like in a roll or whatever-"

"Sushi?" Blake guessed.

"Yup!" He passed it to me.

The word was piggy bank. "Umm...oh! Kids use this to store their money."

"Piggy bank!" Kaila declared.

I passed it to Lincoln, and the timer stopped on him.

"Ha! Point for team one!" I exclaimed.

He made a mocking face, and pressed the number 1 on the game. Then he hit the start button, and described his word.

The game went on until team one had seven points. That meant the girls had won! I knew we could do it!

"Okay, who's ready for dinner?" Blake asked.

"It's not time just yet. We still have another hour of free time left," I noted.

"True. What do you guys wanna do?"

We all thought about it, and decided to go down to the gift shop. They had shirts and little souvenirs. Or so I was told. I hadn't went last year, and I was excited to check it out.

When we got to the shop, I was surprised to see how many different shirts they had. Some said Lake Tishomingo, and others had Bible verses or encouraging statements on them.

Emily, Jordyn, and I looked at all the shirts, and decided to get matching ones. They were gray sweatshirts that said 3:16 in the form of a jersey number. And the name printed at the top was John.

"Whatcha lookin' at?" Kaila asked as she and Amber walked up to us.

"Oh, we're getting these sweatshirts," Emily replied.

"Ooo, I love them! How much are they?"

"Twenty bucks," Jordyn answered.

"Amber, we should get these," Kaila said to her friend.

"Okay," Amber agreed.

"Hey...what if we got one for Kassie too? Then everyone in the room would have one," Jordyn suggested.

"Good idea. We could all pitch in so that nobody has to pay 40 bucks," I added.

So we each put in $4 to purchase a sweatshirt for Kassie, along with all of our individual ones.

"We should wear them on the last day," I said.

"Or tomorrow," Emily added.

"Either one works."

We found the boys looking at keychains and little things like that. Well, most of the boys, anyway. But Hunter wasn't with them... Where could he be?

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