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•Hunter's POV•

It was so good to see Kaila and Rosie getting along. They actually seemed like...friends. Even though my pride and ego liked to see Kaila all jealous, I liked this happy, friendly side of her even better.

We headed to the lake, where everyone got a life jacket. "Let's jump in at the same time," Alex suggested.

So we lined up in a row-me, Kaila, Amber, Alex, and Rosie-and held hands. "One...two...three!" All at once, we jumped into the water.

Sometime underwater, I let go of Kaila's hand and bobbed to the surface. I wiped the water from my eyes, and slicked my wet hair back.

"What shall we do first?" Kaila asked.

"Hmm...how bout the Moonwalk?" Amber suggested.

The Moonwalk was this long, rounded inflatable that stuck straight out in the air. Whoever went on had to try and walk across without falling off. It looked fun, but scary. Everyone agreed that we should try it.

So we swam over to the Moonwalk and climbed up the ladder one at a time. Alex was the brave soul who decided to go first.

He started out okay, but then his feet got really slippery, and he lost his balance, plummeting into the lake.

Rosie was next. She made it about halfway, but then fell off with a scream.

Amber was next. She wiped her feet off a little before going on, but it didn't help all that much, since her hands were wet too. She made it all the way to the end, and then jumped off. "Yeah, Amber!" we yelled in congratulations. She was the first one to make it all the way across.

"I'll go next, if you want," I said to Kaila. We were the last two to go.

"Okay," she agreed, patting me on the back. "Good luck."

"Thanks. I'll need it." I climbed up the ladder and stood up on shaky legs. It seemed so high up, now that I was the one on the inflatable. I took a deep breath, trying not to look down. Then I started my journey across the Moonwalk.

Before I could make it to the end, though, I slipped and lost my balance. "Whoa!" I gasped, falling into the water with a splash.

Kaila was next-and last-to go. "You got this, Kaila!" I encouraged her, clapping my hands.

She bit her lip nervously, but climbed the ladder and prepared for her turn. She walked, ever so carefully, across the "plank," but fell once she got about three quarters of the way. "Ah!" she screamed.

I watched as she fell into the lake with a splash. "Oo," I said under my breath, cringing. That looked like it hurt.

I swam over to see if she was okay. But when she came up from the water, her face was all bloody.

"Oh my gosh, Kaila! What happened?" I asked frantically.

She held her nose and shrugged her shoulders, unable to speak. I helped her get to the dock, and we climbed out of the lake. "Let's get you to the nurse," I said.

Oh, I hoped she was alright!

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