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A/N: 8 chapters in and they're not even at camp yet! 😅 They'll get there soon, though, and then the real fun will begin! This chapter is gonna be from Emily's POV. Hope you enjoy, even though it's kinda just a filler. Anywho, proceed.

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•Emily's POV•

When Rain and Lincoln finally parted, we boarded the bus and found our seats. "Hey, there's Blake!" I pointed out as my eyes landed on his face near the back of the bus.

"Blake! Save us some seats!" Rain called to him. He nodded.

We squeezed through the path between seats, and went to claim ours. "Can I sit with you, Rain?" I whispered to my best friend.

Even though I tried not to show it, I was always worried she secretly liked Lincoln better than me. Sometimes I wanted her all to myself, but I knew I had to share her.

"Sure, Em," she whispered back. Then, louder, she said, "Hey, Lincoln, you should sit with Blake."

"Okay. Fine with me," he replied.

I gave him a grateful smile. Then Rain and I slid into our seats and waited for roll call.

Before too long, our friend Jordyn approached us. "Hey guys!" she exclaimed, smiling at the four of us. "Can I sit with you?"

"Duh," I replied.

I felt kinda bad that she had to sit alone, but she didn't seem to mind.

Finally, the bus driver took roll call and we headed off to Encounter Camp.

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