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•Kaila's POV•

All the girls got dressed for bed, but no one was ready to sleep. Who is, at camp? There's so much to talk about!

"Since you were asking about boyfriends earlier..." Jordyn began, "do you guys like anyone?" She looked pointedly at me and Amber.

I exchanged a look with Amber that read, Should we tell them? She shrugged in response.

"I do like someone, yes, but he lives back in Wisconsin," I decided.

"Oh, that stinks. You live here, right?" Emily asked. "Well, not here, here. Just in Chicago. I don't think anyone lives at camp."

We all laughed. "Yeah, I live here."

"It's torture," Amber added.

"Are you guys best friends?" Rain asked.

"Yeah," Amber and I said at the same time.

"That's cool. Emily's my best friend."

Figures, I thought to myself. They were practically inseparable!

I looked over at Kassie and realized she hadn't said anything in awhile. She hadn't went to the snack shack with us, either.

Wanting to include her in the conversation, I asked, "Do you have a best friend, Kassie?"

"Yeah, but she doesn't go here," the redhead spoke up.

"Oh. That sucks."

"Yeah. I don't get to see her very much, because she moved to Florida last summer."

"Aw." I knew what that was like, not seeing your best friend. I hadn't seen Amber in a whole year! Well, not in person, at least. "Do you think you'll get to visit her sometime?"

"I don't know. It costs a lot of money to go to Florida."

"True. Well I hope you do." I smiled at her, and she returned it.

Jordyn yawned, and said, "Well, I'm gonna hit the hay. Night, guys."

"Goodnight!" we chorused.

"I'm tired too," said Emily, and soon, she fell asleep.

No one said anything for awhile, and I assumed everyone had fallen asleep. "Amber?" I whispered through the darkness.

"Yeah?" she replied in a quiet voice. The sound almost made me jump, because I'd figured she was sleeping. But I guess not.

"Do you like it here?"

"Yeah. Do you?"


"Well, goodnight."

"Goodnight," I whispered back.

And pretty soon, I fell asleep.

- - -
A/N: Yay, the first day is over! The next chapter will start day two, which is Tuesday. On that day, they'll have their first camp breakfast, and lunch. They'll also find out their teams. Eeee I'm excited! 😁 Hope you are too!

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