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•Kaila's POV•

After the youth pastor came up to introduce himself, Amber suggested that we find a seat on the bus. I didn't really want to leave Kallen all alone, but this was my best friend, and I hadn't seen her in a year! Kallen could sit behind us or something.

Just as we were about to climb on, a little girl with short, wavy brown hair bumped into me. "Hi!" she said happily.

"Hi, sweetie. What are you doing over here?" I bent down to her level so she could look into my eyes. A small gasp escaped my lips as I realized her eyes looked exactly like Hunter's.

I shook my head, reminding myself that it was impossible for him to even be here. Besides, he'd never mentioned having any siblings.

"I wanna go!" the little girl exclaimed.

"Go where?" I asked.

"On the bus, silly!" She put her hands on her hips, and I laughed.

"I don't think that's such a great idea. The camp is for big kids."

Her lip quivered and she looked as if she might cry.

"Aw, don't cry. How about this? I'll help you find your mommy and daddy. I bet they're wondering where you are."

She sniffled. "Okay."

I stepped away from the bus and allowed the little girl to hold my hand. "What's your name, sweetie?"

"Lucy!" she replied proudly.

"Aw, that's a pretty name. I used to have a bunny named Lucy."

She smiled and clutched my hand tighter.

"Well my name's Kaila. Now, let's go find your parents."

Amber had joined us, and we all looked around the parking lot for Lucy's parents. "What does your mommy look like, Lucy?"

"She's pretty."

Amber and I exchanged a smile. "What color hair does she have?" Amber asked sweetly.

"Oh. Brown."

"Okay." Unfortunately, that didn't really narrow it down. A lot of girls had brown hair.

When we'd been looking for about five minutes, Lucy suddenly let to of my hand and screamed, "Mommy!" She ran to a tall woman with wavy brown hair, just like hers.

Amber and I followed her.

"Oh, thank you for finding my daughter!" the woman cried. "I was so worried when her brother told me he'd lost her."

"We were glad to help. Lucy is adorable," I said with a smile.

"Thank you."

Just then, two boys ran up to her and her husband. "Did you find her?" one of them asked, seeming to be in a panic.

"We did. But it's all thanks to these girls," the mom said.

The boys turned to look at me and Amber. I think all of our mouths widened in surprise and shock.



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A/N: Mwuhahahaha they found each other! Just imagine what is going through Hunter's head right now. Or read the next chapter to find out. 😉 Don't forget to vote and comment!

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