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•Hunter's POV•

After Kaila and I made up, we decided to go to the pool. Amber and Alex were still there.

"Ooo, do you guys wanna play chicken?" Amber asked us.

"What's that?" Kaila replied, looking confused.

"It's this game where two people sit on top of two other people's shoulders, and try to knock each other over. It's really fun," she explained.

"Okay, let's do it. But...why is it called chicken?"

"I really don't know."

I bent my knees and sunk to my chin in the water, allowing Kaila to climb up and rest on my shoulders. I held on to her shins so she wouldn't fall.

Amber climbed onto Alex's shoulders, and the game began. The girls grabbed each other's hands and started pushing and shoving.

I kicked Alex lightly underwater, trying to make him mess up. It worked! He stumbled, sending Amber flying into the water with him.

"Ha! We win!" Kaila cheered.

"That was so unfair! Hunter kicked me," Alex protested. "We have to do a rematch. And no cheating this time!"

"Fine, fine," Kaila and I agreed.

So we got back into position and started round two. "Push, Kaila!" I grunted.

"I am!" she shouted, shoving her hands against Amber's palms. Their fingers entwined and they tried to push each other off.

I heard Kaila scream as she was knocked off my shoulders.

"Ha! We win!" Amber declared.

"I'm kinda tired of the pool. Wanna go get some ice cream?" Alex suggested.

"Sure," Amber replied.

Even though Kaila and I had practically just arrived, we agreed to go with them. After all, they couldn't've gone alone.

We all walked to the snack shack, air-drying as we went. It was pretty hot out, so we didn't really need the towels that were slung across our shoulders.

As soon as we stepped into the snack shack, Kaila gasped loudly. "Hunter!" she cried.


"You're so sunburnt!"

I tried to look at my back, but it was physically impossible. All I could see was my red shoulders. "Oh no," I groaned. "I forgot to put on sunblock."

"Yikes," Amber commented. "Hey, wait, I think I have some aloe in my bag. You can use it if you want."

"Yes, please."

So she got the bottle out of her beach bag and handed it to me.

"Uh...can somebody help me?" I asked, feeling like a helpless child.

"I will," Kaila offered. We walked over to a nearby table and I sat down in one of the chairs. She opened the bottle of aloe and began to spread the cream all over my shoulders and upper back. It stung at first, but then it started to feel good.

And I'm not gonna lie, I liked the feel of her hands on my skin. I was sad when she capped the bottle and gave it back to Amber. But my back felt a lot better, that's for sure.

"Okay, ready for dessert?" Alex asked.

"I am," Amber replied.

"Me too," Kaila added.


We got in line, and soon, we were able to order. There was only one other person in front of us.

"Two chocolate fudge brownies," I said to the cashier behind the counter.

Kaila turned to me with her eyebrows raised. "Two?"

I gave her a wink, and she looked away smiling.

Amber and Alex ordered their ice cream next, and soon enough, we all had ours. "Do you want to sit outside, or in here?" Alex asked.

"Inside. It would melt too fast out there!" Kaila replied.

So we pulled four chairs together at one table, and ate our ice cream. It was even better than the first time!

A few minutes later, some of our friends from the first day walked in, including Lincoln, Adam, Blake, Jordyn, Emily, and Rain.

"Hey guys!" Alex greeted them.

"Oh, hey!" Rain replied, waving.

The six of them got in line, while Alex, Amber, Kaila, and I continued to eat our dessert. Thinking back on yesterday, and then about today, I decided that free time was my favorite part of camp. For obvious reasons.

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