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•Rosie's POV•

I was standing in line to get lunch when I spotted Hunter a little ways down. He was smiling and waving.

Kaila, Alex, and a brown-haired girl were standing with him. I waved them over, even though it was technically cutting in line. Most people here were friendly and didn't care.

"Hi, guys," I greeted them.

"Hey, Rosie," said Kaila, smiling. "This is my best friend Amber." She motioned to the brunette.

"Oh, hi," I said to her. She nodded and said hello. "It's good to see you guys again."

"You too," Alex replied.

"We were wondering if you'd like to sit with us at lunch today?" Kaila offered.

"That'd be great! Thanks, guys." I didn't mention that they were the only people who'd asked that question all week.

Once we got our food-pepperoni pizza-we headed to a nearby table that had six chairs. There was one empty seat.

"So, how've you been?" Hunter asked me.

"Um. Okay," I replied.

Since the whole Kaila situation a few days ago, I'd been able to recover, and get more into the sessions. My sister Haylie encouraged me in that. I felt like God was working on me-but he wasn't done yet!

I wasn't 100% positive I'd go home a changed person, but I was definitely getting better. And that's what really mattered.

"How's the red team doing in the games?" Alex wanted to know.

"Eh, we're okay. Not the best."

"So Rosie, I never got to ask-what brings you here to Encounter?" Kaila asked.

"My sister. We moved here two years ago, and she wanted me to come to church camp with her. Since it's her first time and all."

"Did she used to go to Fusion?"

"Well yeah, but I meant at Encounter."

"Oh, I see. Cool."

"Are you enjoying it so far?" asked Amber, who had been mostly quiet.

"Um, yeah. It's pretty good, I guess."

"That's good. I really like it here," she said.

"It's our first time here, too," Hunter informed me. "We all just happened to be in the area."

"What a coincidence," I remarked. It really was. Four best friends in the same place at the same time? It was like something that would happen in the movies!

After lunch we had free time, and they invited me to go to the lake with them. "Sure, just let me get my swimsuit."

"We'll go with you," Kaila offered, linking arms with Amber. She offered her other arm to me.

I was hesitant at first but then I thought, Why not? So we all linked arms and walked back to the dorms to get changed. It felt good to be included.

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