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•Hunter's POV•

I didn't know what was up with Kaila, but she was acting really strange. All through breakfast, she would barely look at me. And I had to say her name twice to get her to listen.

Something we definitely up. But what?

When it was time for games, I tried to talk to her, but she just blew me off. "Kaila, can we talk?" I asked.

"Not now. It's time for games."

"But we're on the same team."

"So? I need to focus." And with that, she ran ahead of me to catch up with Amber. Focus my butt.

I didn't know why she was ignoring me all of a sudden. Last night-and all of yesterday-had been so perfect. But she'd obviously woken up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. It wasn't like her to ignore me.

We were facing the red team today in a game of tug-o'-war. I stood near the back, since I was one of the strongest on the team.

There was a blue tarp that we had to stand on, and a purple bandana tied in the middle of the rope. The leaders had garden hoses, and I thought they were gonna spray us with freezing-cold water. But instead of water, it was tomato juice that came out of the hose!

As the game heated up, they began to toss pancake batter on us. We were all a sticky mess!

"Pull!" I encouraged the team, gritting my teeth. I ground my foot into the tarp, and tugged on the rope as hard as I could.

But the red team pulled harder, and before I knew it, the bandana was on their side. They cheered and hugged each other, even with all the sticky gunk on their clothes.

Rosie came up to me and gave me a big hug. "Ewww, you smell like pancakes and tomatoes!" I groaned.

"You sure know how to treat a lady," she teased, hugging me tighter. We broke apart laughing, and I slathered some of the pancake batter from my shirt onto hers.

When she went to rejoin her team, I walked over to Kaila and held up my hand for a high-five. "Good game, partner."

She just glared at me and stormed off. What was her problem?!

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