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•Hunter's POV•

I had to find Alex and tell him the news!

I hurried up to my room, where the guys were either laying in bed or brushing their teeth. "Alex!"

"What? Dude, are you okay?"

"I'm fine. But come here!" I pulled him outside and pointed over the railing at Rosie.

"Is that-?"

"It is!"

"Whoa, what is she doing here?"

"Apparently she lives in Chicago now. Small world, right?"

"Yeah, definitely. Well, imma get to bed. Night, Hunter." He walked back inside.

I stayed outside for a little while longer. I couldn't believe that Rosie was here! I knew her from Fusion a few years back. She'd stopped coming in 8th grade and I'd always wondered what happened to her.

"Hunter, you coming?" Lincoln called from inside.

"Uh. Y-yeah, just give me one second," I replied. I had to find Kaila and tell her goodnight.

It had been a whirlwind-of-emotions kinda day. First, I was mad at myself for not telling her how I felt. Then I finally got the guts to actually tell her, which was nerve-wracking. But then it wasn't as scary, because she said she liked me too.

I hurried downstairs to where the girls dorms were. I didn't know which one was hers, so I just knocked on a random door. Rain answered it. "Hey, is Kaila here?" I asked.

"Yeah, why?" she replied.

"I just wanted to say goodnight real quick."

"Oh. I'll bring her out." She closed the door and I heard feet shuffling, until finally, Kaila came outside.

"Hey," she said quietly. "We probably shouldn't be out here. It's getting late."

"I know. I just wanted to say goodnight."

"Oh." She smiled. "Well...goodnight."


She turned to go back inside, but I grabbed her hand at the last second. "Wait!"




"Well I had a really great time with you today and I...I just wanted to tell you that."

"I had a great time, too. I'm really glad you told me you like me."

"Heh, yeah. I, um, wanted to tell you that for awhile but I never got up the nerve."

"Well like I said, I'm glad you did."

"Me too." We looked at each other for a long moment, before finally, I just pulled her into a hug. We stayed like that for a few seconds before she broke away.

"I better get inside. Goodnight, Hunter."

And before I could say it back, she slipped inside and disappeared for the night. I stood there, going over everything in my head, for a moment, before heading upstairs to my room.

It had basically been a perfect day.

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