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•Rain's POV•

After dinner, we had our first session of the week.

"I want to welcome you all to Encounter Camp," Pastor Brett began. "I hope you all enjoyed dinner and getting to know your roommates. But now we're gonna move on to some of the rules."

He went on to tell us the rules about having a buddy with you at all times, and no PDA, and no being outside after lights out.

"So, now that we've cleared that up, let's get on to the session!"

Everyone cheered.

"We're gonna enter into a time of worship. Let's prepare our hearts and welcome His presence into this place." He began to pray. "God, reveal yourself to us. Let every single person in this room encounter you tonight. We love you, and we praise you. Amen."

Then he and the worship team played the first song. The female vocalist was the main singer for that one. It was a song by Lauren Daigle called "Trust in You."

When you don't move the mountains
I'm needing you to move
When you don't part the waters
I wish I could walk through
When you don't give the answers
As I cry out to you
I will trust, I will trust
I will trust in you

I really liked it. It was a beautiful reminder that we have to trust God in all situations, and just believe that He has gone before us and knows the plans He has for us.

After a few more songs, Pastor Brett began the message. "If you couldn't tell by the songs we sang tonight, this week is centered on trust. I think we all forget that God knows everything that's gonna happen in our lives. We forget that He's gone before us, and we don't trust Him. We think, 'oh, my situation is so hard. God could never help me out of this one!' But oh, we're so wrong. We have to trust God, and know that His plan is what's best for us."

Now he had my attention. I had had to learn trust plenty of times. Like when my stepmom was in the hospital, and the doctors didn't know if she would live or die. I had to trust that God's plan was best. And even when she passed away, I still had to trust Him, and remind myself that we were gonna be okay.

"I want to tell you about a guy named Abraham," Pastor Brett went on. "He was at least 100 years old when he had his first son. Can you believe that? A hundred years old! So far, his wife had been barren. But out of nowhere, God promised them a son. Abraham had to trust that God would fulfill his promise. Wouldn't that be hard? I mean, imagine if you were 100, and God told you you were gonna have a baby. You would be pretty shocked, right? You probably wouldn't believe Him. Well, luckily, Abraham did believe. And he trusted God."

What an amazing story! In the year since my becoming a Christian, I'd never heard the story of Abraham. But I could already tell I was going to like it.

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