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•Hunter's POV•

After eating some ice cream-Rosie got their orange sherbet and loved it-we went back to our dorms. Kaila walked ahead to talk to Amber, so I stayed behind with Alex and Rosie.

"Thanks for the ice cream, guys," Rosie said.

"No problem." I'd paid for hers, because she'd forgotten her wallet.

"Oh, and for letting me hang around with y'all today. That was really nice of you."

"We don't mind," Alex assured her.

"I'm really glad my sister forced me to come. Even if it was rough at first, it ended really well. I can honestly say I've made some friends." She smiled. "Oh, and the best part is, I got saved! Haylie will be so proud."

She was rambling, but I didn't mind, and I don't think Alex did either. It was good to see someone so happy to have us as friends. And it was always exciting to hear a new believer talk about Jesus.

Before we went our separate ways, I said goodnight and gave her a list with my contact info-Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and my phone number. I wanted her to feel like she could trust me, like someone actually cared.

She wrote all her info down on two separate sheets of paper for me and Alex. I noticed that she didn't have a Snapchat. Oh well. Some people weren't comfortable with that particular app.

"Well goodnight," I said.

"Night. Thanks again, for everything." She waved and disappeared into her room.

I hurried to catch up with Kaila. "Hey."

"Hey," she said. "What's up?"

"Nothing. But there's still a little time before lights out, so wanna go on a walk or something?"

She glanced over at Amber, who was talking to Alex. "Sure. Should we invite them?"

"Nah. I think they'll be fine."

We told them where we were going, and they promised to cover for us if anyone asked. They were literally the best friends ever.

- - -

•Kaila's POV•

Hunter and I walked through a path in the woods, listening to the sound of crickets and our flip-flips slapping against the concrete.

"I know we can't stay out too long, but I figured, a little time is better than nothing," he said.

His eyes were even bluer in the moonlight. I could've stared into them all night and day.

I felt something touch my hand, and jerked away immediately.

"Whoa! Sorry, was I not supposed to do that?" Hunter asked. I couldn't tell if he was blushing, but I assumed he was.

That's when I realized he'd been trying to hold my hand. Why was I so clueless?! I mentally facewalled.

"Um, no. I mean, you can if you want." Geez, I was gonna scare him away if I didn't get myself together!

His shoulders relaxed and he brushed his hand against mine, lacing our fingers together slowly. The way he did it sent shivers down my spine, and I was pretty sure he could tell how nervous I was.

"I'm really glad you came," he told me. "It wouldn't have been the same without you."

"Yeah, I'm glad you came, too. It was great getting to see Amber, but I had even more fun with you," I admitted.

"I wish we could stay here forever and never have to say goodbye again."

"That would be great, wouldn't it?" I agreed, smiling wistfully. I wished more than anything that he lived in Chicago with me.

We kept walking, but after awhile, we stopped to rest and just held hands. It was super dark out now, and I wondered what time it was.

Hunter stared at me, not saying anything. He looked down at my lips for a second or two, then back up at my eyes.

I could feel the nervous tension in the air and I wanted to fill the gap between us and forget about the rules. But I'd never been that kind of girl. The problem was, Hunter made me want to be that girl. I wanted to kiss him. I wanted to know what it was like, to kiss the boy of your dreams.

I leaned forward and pressed my lips against his, feeling nothing but his warmth. All my nerves faded away, and I didn't even care that it was against the rules.

Hunter pulled away from me after about three seconds. "Wait. This is camp. We shouldn't be doing this."

My face fell. "I know. I don't know what I was thinking."

"Me neither, but...I kinda liked it."

You did? I wanted to ask. But instead I said, "Me too."

"Maybe we can do this again sometime. After camp, of course."

My heart fluttered at the thought. "I'd like that."

I heard Amber's voice calling my name, and knew it was time for bed. "We'd better go."

"Yeah," he agreed. We walked quickly through the woods, and before we met up with our friends, he grabbed my hand and brought it to his lips. "Goodnight, Kaila."

I shivered, for two reasons. One, I was freezing. Two, he was so dang cute!

"Goodnight, Hunter." I raced back to Amber and pulled her inside the room before I could get any other crazy ideas.

That boy was dangerous. But I didn't mind a bit.

- - -
A/N: They're such rebels😏 This chapter was from both their POV's because I'm trying to make this 80 chapters and don't want to go over the limit. I don't even have to say "hope you enjoyed," because I know that you did. Especially if you're @iwritetoinspire and a shipper of Kanter. 😉 Love you guys!

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