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•Rain's POV•

On the bus ride home, Emily let me sit by Lincoln. It was only fair, she said, since she'd sat with me on the ride there.

"I can't believe camp is over," I said to Lincoln.

"I know. I don't want to leave," he agreed.

"At least we see each other outside of camp. Poor Kaila doesn't live by Hunter anymore." I frowned, feeling sorry for her.

"Maybe they'll work something out."

"I hope so." Then, raising my fist in the air, I whisper-shouted, "Kanter must live on!!"

"Huh?" He looked confused.

"Oh, nothing. It's just their ship name."

"Ship name?"

"Yeah, duh. It's like a mash-up of two names, usually of people who are in a relationship," I explained.

"Ahh," he said, nodding. "Do we have one of these ship things?"

"Not at the moment. But I'll have you know, I'm the queen of ship names. Everyone says so."

"Is that right?" He laughed, bumping my shoulder with his.

"It's true. There's Blemily, Jadam, Kanter, and Alexamber."

"Well, it seems highly unfair that we don't have one."


"Let's see what you've got."

I tapped my chin thoughtfully. "Hmmm... Oh! How about-" I did jazz hands for a dramatic finish- "Lincain!"

"Aw, that's so cute." He put his arm around me and squeezed. "Like you."

I rolled my eyes. "Don't be so cheesy."

"But...you love cheese," he insisted.

"My favorite's Gouda," I quoted. It was a line from one of my favorite chick-flicks, She's the Man. In reality, Colby jack was my favorite kind of cheese; but I took every chance I got to quote that movie.

Lincoln laughed at my joke. "See? You don't mind a bit, do you?"

"Keep thinking that."

"I will."

I rolled my eyes at him. "You're such a child."

"Okay, mom."

We both laughed, and I finally snuggled into his shoulder. After all, I had missed this.

- - -

•Amber's POV•

I sat with Alex on the ride home, since Kaila was with Hunter. I didn't really mind, though. Who would?! Alex was practically perfect.

"So, when we get back...what's gonna happen?" I asked hesitantly. I'd been dreading asking that question, but I knew that I should.

"Like, between us?" he asked.

"Yeah. Me and you...are we gonna date or anything? I mean, I never see you, so it'd be kinda hard."

"That's true, but I really want to be with you. That is, if you feel the same way."

Did he even have to ask?

"Of course I do!"

"Then...you'll be my girlfriend?"

"For better or worse," I agreed, winking.

He was beaming, and my heart pounded a thousand miles a minute. Alex and I were officially a couple. It was the true birth of Alexamber...

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