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•Kaila's POV•

"So do you guys want to sit together at session?" Amber asked Hunter and Alex.

"Of course," they replied.

We'd spent our whole free time touring the campus and playing ping-pong in the chapel. Now it was time for the evening message.

When the doors opened, we went inside. The room was dimly lit, and Pastor Brett said he wanted us to prepare our hearts for worship. "Let's enter into a time of adoration. I'll start. God, you are awesome."

"God, you are loving," a voice in the crowd shouted out.

"God, you are almighty."

"God, you are amazing."

"God, you are beautiful."

"God, you are my friend."

"God, you are my comfort."

"God, you are peace."

All these characteristics of Christ were shouted and even whispered around the room, ushering in His presence.

Next to me, I heard Hunter say, "God, you are my everything."

And I thought how true that was. All we really needed in life was Him. It was easy to say that and not really mean it. But it was true: God really was everything to me. And to Hunter too, apparently.

Hearing him say that gave me one more reason to like him. As if I needed something to add to the list!

Soon, the band started their first song. It was another Lauren Daigle song. This one was called "I Am Yours."

So let the waters rise
I will stand as the oceans roar
Let the earth shake beneath me
Let the mountains fall
You are God over the storm
And I am Yours

I really liked that one. Luckily, I already knew the words. Lauren Daigle was my girl! How strange-but lucky-that the people at Encounter liked her too.

When the worship part of the service ended, Pastor Brett went into his message. It was about when Abraham was called to pick up his things and move away.

"God simply said, 'Go from your country, your people and your father's household to the land I will show you.' He didn't give Abraham any warning, or more instruction. But you know what? Abraham obeyed," he told us. "He didn't question God, or ask for more direction. He just followed God and did what He asked. It's so hard for us to do that. I don't know about you, but I'm a person who likes to know all the details. Well Abraham didn't get to know all the details, did he? He was just asked to get up and leave, and because he wanted to obey God, he did it. Now, raise your hand if you think you would've been as obedient as Abraham."

Almost no one raised their hand.

"Oh, good, I'm not alone." Everyone laughed at that. "But do you see what I mean? It's so important that we trust God, and know that He has a plan for us. Even when He hasn't revealed it to us yet."

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