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A/N: HAHAHAHA this is the 40th chapter and it's only the middle of day four. 😅 The original 7 Days had 40 chapters. Oh wellness. Enjoy this chapter from Rain's POV!

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•Rain's POV•

I got in line behind Emily, who was practically glowing. What was she so happy about?

"Hey," said a voice from behind me.

Without even turning around, I knew it would be Lincoln. "Hi."

"How was your game? I didn't get to watch cuz I had to take a shower."

"It was good. We won."

The game of tug-o'-war had been pretty hard. We faced the yellow team, which had some very strong players. Their team name was the Hornets, so that explained their ferocity. But the black team had come out and won the game in the end.

"Hey guys, Blake wants us all to sit together," Emily told us.

"Okay." Should be nice. We hadn't done that in awhile. It would be nice to catch up with the original squad.

Speaking of the squad, Adam and Jordyn joined us a moment later. We all said hi and finally got our trays. Today's menu consisted of hamburgers and fries.

Once we'd gotten all our food, we found a table and sat down to eat. Everyone talked about the latest game we'd played, and how their teams had done.

"Did you guys forget?" Blake asked. "We can go boating today!"

"Ooo, I forgot about that," I admitted.

"Me too," said Emily.

"Well I didn't," Jordyn commented. "I've been looking forward to it all week!"

Now I couldn't wait to go, either. Let's just hope Megan didn't show up this time.

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After lunch, I headed to my room with Emily so we could change into our swimsuits. Lincoln and Blake walked with us. Blake and Emily were walking pretty close together, and both of them seemed really happy. Was I missing something...?



"I was asking what's up with them," Lincoln repeated. Guess I'd zoned out wondering the same thing.

"I have no idea. But I'm sure Emily will tell me soon enough," I replied.

Once we got to our dorms, I hugged Lincoln goodbye, and for once Emily didn't say, "PDA P-Don't!" Yeah, something was definitely up.

I dragged myself away from Lincoln and forced Emily to tell me what was going on. She could barely contain herself.

"Blake likes me!" she squealed.

"WHAT?!" That would explain all the smiles and giggles and walking close together. My inner fangirl was screaming.

"He told me before you guys got there, to the cafeteria! He said he's liked me for a long time, and just never told me! I can't believe it! I'm so happy!" I could tell it was true, because every one of her sentences ended in an exclamation point.

"I'm happy for you," I said, hugging her. "This is so exciting!"

"I know!" Her face grew serious. "And I haven't been completely honest with you..."

"About what?"

"Well, seeing you and Lincoln together was amazing at first, but then it just got kinda old. You were always together, and it seemed like you would rather hang out with him than with me." She paused. "Sorry if that sounded rude. I didn't want to hurt your feelings, so I just never told you."

"Oh, Emily! I'm so sorry. I had no idea you were feeling this way!"

"It's okay now. I mean, I have Blake, right?"

"True. But if you ever feel like I'm abandoning you, please say so."

"I will."

"Good. I don't want anything coming between us. I love you." I gave her another big hug.

"I love you too." When we pulled away, she had a sneaky smile on her face. "So, what should our ship name be? Mine and Blake's, I mean."

"Hmm...Blemily for sure."

"I love it! How are you so good at this?"

"I honestly have no idea." We laughed and dug through our suitcases to find our swimsuits.

Then we changed and went outside to meet the boys. I couldn't wait to go boating!

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