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Hello. 👋

So that's the end of this 80-chapter fanfiction. Congrats on making it to the end! I honestly never thought it would be this long, but it was. It was 40 whole chapters longer than 7 Days, and 20 chapters longer than Camp! It's the longest story I've ever written.

This was one of my favorite stories to write, because it's a fanfic for my two favorite books. Camp and 7 Days are really special to me. I have spent many days obsessing over Camp, and months writing 7 Days. I think they go very well together, how bout you?

I would like to thank God, for helping me finish yet another story. I love being able to write Christian fiction that (hopefully) points people to Him.

I'd also like to give a major shout-out and thank you to my favorite blonde, iwritetoinspire! If you didn't know, she has her own fanfiction of Camp and 7 Days, titled Encountering Fusion. (Title cred: me.) It definitely won't be as long as this one, but it's equally as awesome! 😉 Anyways. Bambi, I have loved fangirling, slaughing, and dying with you these past few weeks. Your comments give me life and idk what I'd do without you and your amazing loyalty and support. You're such a great friend, and person to obsess with. Even more importantly, you're a shipper of Kanter. But who isn't?! I love you v much and I'm so sad this story is over, because our days of slaughing and staying up til midnight are pretty much over. 😕 Except now we have another fanfic to obsess over!! So yay. I can't wait for more slaughs, comments, and "dying." You're literally the best, love.

Finally, thanks to the readers. Even if it has taken you months to get through this (ahem Kirsten), I want to thank you. Your votes and comments mean so much to me!

I love you guys.


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