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•Rain's POV•

"Who's ready to find out their teams?!" Pastor Brett shouted from the stage. The whole camp erupted in cheers. "That's what I thought. So, without further adieu, let's get on with it!" He read from a list of names, separated into eight teams.

The first team was red. Blake was on it.

Next was orange. "I hope I'm not on orange again. I hate orange," Jordyn whispered to me. She was in luck!

"On the orange team, we'll have Kaila, Hunter, Jaxon, Emily, Maddie, and Tyler," Pastor Brett announced.

"Guess that's my cue," said Emily, who was standing nearby. I was glad she was with some of our new friends. Maybe now they wouldn't feel so alone.

Next was the yellow team. None of our friends were on that one.

"Now for the green team." Ah, the green team. I'd been on that one last year. He named six students, including Lincoln.

After that was blue. "Courtney, Calum, Adam, Jordyn, Paisley, and Nick...you're on the blue team," Pastor Brett announced.

I nudged Jordyn, who was blushing like crazy. Just her luck-she was with Adam again! The fangirl in me cackled with delight.

None of our friends were on purple, or pink. I was starting to get worried, because they hadn't called my name yet. Surely they hadn't forgotten about me!

"And finally, the black team. River, Zach, Haylie, Alex, Rain, and Mickey!"

Aha! So I was on black. No wonder they hadn't called me yet. Black was always announced last.

I went to join my team, excited to meet them. One guy, Alex, looked familiar. Then I remembered that he had went to the snack shack with us last night. He must be one of Lincoln's roommates.

"Hi," I said to him.

"Oh, hey! Are you Rain?"

"Yup, that's me."

"Cool. I'm Alex."

"I thought so. Welcome to the team!"

I couldn't wait to play the first game later today!

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