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•Rosie's POV•

"Rosie?" he asked again.

"Hunter!" I ran towards him and when I reached him, we hugged.

"What are you doing here?" we asked at the exact same time. He motioned for me to go first.

"Well, I moved to Chicago a few years ago, so here I am. What about you?"

"My dad's on a business trip, and he let me and my friend come here for the week. You remember Alex, don't you?"

"Oh, of course!"

Alex had been so nice to me in my days at Fusion. But Hunter had always been my favorite. In the summers of my 11th and 12th years, he was my camp crush. I'd almost forgotten about him, but now that I saw him, here and in the flesh, all my memories came back and I liked him all over again.

He was older now, of course, and taller. His hair had grown out a little, too. But his eyes were still the same. They were still the sparkling blue I'd fallen for two summers in a row.

"This is so weird!" he remarked. "Not only are you here, but so are my new friends from Fusion."

"Really? Who are they?" I asked.

"Kaila and Amber. You probably don't know them."

"Ah." It bothered me a little that they were both girls, but I tried not to be jealous. Who said he even liked them? Or one of them, for that matter. Hunter had never seemed like the "player" type.

"Well anyways, I can't believe you're here! We'll have to catch up sometime!"

"Definitely!" I agreed. "What team are you on?"

"Orange. You?"


"Oh, cool. Well, it's almost lights-out, so I should go. Maybe I'll see you tomorrow," he said.

I sure hoped so!

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