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A/N: Yikes, fifty chapters already!😁 This is probably one of my longest books ever... Not that you mind! 😉

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•Hunter's POV•

After session, I congratulated Adam, then weaved my way through the crowd, looking for Kaila. When I found her, I tapped her lightly on the shoulder.

"Hey. Wanna walk around for a bit before lights out?" I asked her.

"Sure. I was actually gonna make some of those Encouragements, or whatever they're called. Wanna join?"

"Yeah, sounds fun."

Once almost everyone had left, Kaila and I were left alone with Amber, Alex, and some of the staff members who were cleaning up. We sat down by a table that was set up off to the side.

There were brown paper bags, sharpies, and notebook paper sitting there. I took a piece of paper and a pen and thought about who I should write to. There were so many people at this camp!

I thought writing notes to my guy friends was a little weird, so I left them alone for awhile. I decided to write to Amber first.

Dear Amber,
Glad you could be here! It was cool getting to see you again.

Simple. I slipped it into the bag she'd decorated and hung up on the clothesline.

Next was Rain.

Thanks for always including me and my friends, and making us feel welcome. Cool name btw.

I put it in her bag and sat back down. Now I didn't know who to write to. I wanted to write a note to Kaila, but she was sitting right next to me and I felt weird doing it with her there.

So finally, I decided to write a short note to Rosie.

Hey Rosie,
I can't believe you're here! It was good to see you again. I hope you've had fun and that we can talk more soon.

As I was writing, I noticed Kaila's eyes on me. I looked up to see her staring at the paper before me.

"What?" I asked innocently.

"You're writing to Rosie?"

"Yeah. She's my friend."

"Oh." I saw her sad expression and immediately felt bad.

I touched her hand with mine and made her look at me. "Kaila. There's nothing going on between Rosie and me."


"Promise. Come on, Kaila, did you really think I'd like her when I have you?"

She chuckled softly. "You never know."

"Well, it's true. Rosie and I are just friends."

"Maybe I'm scared because we were 'just friends' once, too," she admitted, biting her lip nervously.

She had me there. But Kaila was so much more than a friend! I'd liked her since the day we met-and it hadn't been that way with Rosie. But how could I make her see that? Especially at camp.

"I don't know how to make you believe me, but trust me when I say that there's no one I'd rather be with than you," I said at last.

She looked up into my eyes and smiled. "Really?"


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