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•Rain's POV•

After getting our swimsuits on, Emily, Jordyn, Lincoln, Blake, Adam, and I walked to the lake. I couldn't wait to go boating!

We were the first ones there, so we got dibs on the speed boat. One more person could've come, but we didn't have any more people that wanted to go. So it was just us six, plus the driver.

Everyone agreed that we should do the tubes to start. "I call first!" Jordyn exclaimed.

"Then I'm going with you," said Adam.

I smirked happily as I watched them get in their separate tubes. The boat sped up, and soon they were bouncing around on the waves.

Adam wiped out majorly. "I'm the queen of the world!" Jordyn cheered, sitting up on her knees without holding on to the handles. A giant wave hit her, and knocked her into the water. Everyone on the boat started laughing.

"Alright, who's next?" asked Ed, the driver.

"Rain, can we go together?" Emily asked me.


Once Jordyn and Adam had returned, we took their places in the tubes. When the boat roared to life, I held on tight and clenched my teeth as the waves bounced me around.

Emily did a thumbs-up, which meant the driver should go faster. "What?! No!" I shrieked, but it was too late. The boat started going much faster, and soon, I could barely hang on. I let go of the handles and was tossed into the lake.

They came around to pick me up, and I climbed back into the boat, shivering.

"I win!" Emily cheered.

"Can I go with you?" Blake asked her.

"Sure, if Linc doesn't want to," she replied.

Blake turned to Lincoln. "Do you want to go?"

"Nah, you go ahead. I'll wait," Lincoln replied.

So Blake took my place and I plopped down beside Lincoln. My butt soaked the seat, and I was freezing.

"Aw, you poor thing. You're shaking," Lincoln commented. He grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my shoulders. "Here. Is that better?"

"Much." I snuggled up next to him, trying to get warm.

"PDA P-Don't!" Jordyn yelled from the seat across from ours.

I stuck my tongue out at her.

"Ooo, so scary!" she teased, and we both laughed.

"So, are you having fun?" Lincoln asked me.

"Yeah, definitely. Except for my wipeout back there."

"Oh, it wasn't that bad."

"Easy for you to say! You weren't the one thrown into a freezing lake!"

"True, true." He rubbed my shoulder affectionately. "I was just messin' with you."

"I know."

Soon, Emily and Blake returned from the water. "Ready to go, Linc?" Blake asked.

"Yup!" He stood up and joined Blake at the tubes.

Emily climbed into the boat and came to sit by me.

"Who won?" I asked her.

"Me, obviously," she replied, tossing her hair over her shoulder. It was still pretty much dry, which proved she was telling the truth.

"Good job, man." I gave her a high-five.

"What do you guys wanna do after this?" Jordyn spoke up.

"We could go to the pool," I suggested.

"Or get ice cream," Emily added.

"Ooo, ice cream sounds good!" Jordyn commented. "Wanna come, Adam? Once we're off the boat."

"What, were you gonna ditch me if I said no?" he replied.


"Of course I'm coming." He smiled at her, and my inner fangirl screamed for the second time that day. I couldn't wait for them to finally admit their feelings to each other!

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