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•Emily's POV•

I hadn't really talked to Blake all that much since the incident with Adam earlier. We'd both been a little busy. But now he was standing off by himself, arms crossed over his chest, all alone. How inviting.

I walked over to him and nudged his shoulder. "Hey, pal."

"Oh. Hey, Emily." He smiled, but seemed distracted.

"Is everything okay? You seem..." I didn't know how to finish the sentence, so I just trailed off.

"Sorry, I was just thinking."

"About what?" Call me nosy, but I liked to know what was on people's minds most of the time.

"What Adam said earlier, before the message."

"About liking Jordyn?"

He chuckled softly. "No, not that. Well, sort of, I guess. The part where he said he was scared he'd never get the chance to tell her how he felt. When he thought he was gonna die and all that."

"Oh. What about it?" I asked.

"Just that it's so true. We take our lives for granted and don't really realize it. We say, 'thank you, God, for this day,' but do we really think about what it would mean if we were to die?"

"Ah. Yeah, it was definitely eye-opening. I can't believe he almost died today."

"I know. He's one of my best friends, and I almost lost him," he said with a hint of sadness in his voice.

I patted his shoulder. "Well he's fine now. Just remember that."

He smiled gratefully. "Thanks." He paused, then said, "Emily?"


"I was wondering if, after camp, you wanted to...go out with me? On a date?"

I paused, not knowing what to say. I was still a bit unsure about dating him. "Um, I'll think about it."

"So that's a no, I'm guessing?"

"No! Not at all! I just...need some time. To think things through."

"Okay. Well, when you decide, I'll be waiting. Goodnight, Emily."

Before I had time to reply, he had started walking away, and I was left alone with my thoughts.

- - -
A/N: I have some questions for y'all.

1. Who is your OTP in this book?

2. What do you think Emily should decide about dating Blake? Would you go out with your long-time best friend (of the opposite sex, obviously)?

3. If you were about to die, what's the one thing that would be on your mind?

Okay, that's all. Thanks for reading!

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