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•Kaila's POV•

After session, I decided to finish writing those Encouragement things. I still had a few to do. Amber came with me, since she hadn't finished hers either.

I sat at the table with a pen in my hand, not knowing what to write. I had to write a note to Hunter.

"Why aren't you writing?" Amber asked me. She had just finished one for Kassie.

"I don't know what to say to him." The top just read: Dear Hunter. Amber leaned over to see it.

"Well, what do you want to say?" she asked.

I thought hard before answering. "He already knows that I like him. What else is there to say?"

"You could give him your contact info," she suggested.

"Great idea!" It was perfect. That way he'd be able to text or call me whenever he wanted.

I wrote,
I'm glad you were at camp. It was so good to see you. If you ever want to talk, just text this number:

Then I wrote my phone number down, making sure it was exact.

Finally, I finished,
My Instagram is @kj_dancer. Facebook: Kaila Jorden, obviously. Hope you had a great time at camp!

"What should I sign it?" I asked Amber.

"I don't know, what did you sign all the others?"

"'Love, Kaila.' 'Sincerely, Kaila Jorden,' if I didn't know them very well."

"Well, you know Hunter pretty well. Obviously. So just write 'love, Kaila.'"

As if it were that simple.

I didn't want him to think I was weird, or clingy. But I finally just wrote it, because why not?

When we were finished writing the last of our Encouragements, we delivered them to their rightful bags, and went to find the boys.

But only Alex was still around. "Where's Hunter?" I asked.

"I don't know. He said he had to run an errand," Alex replied.

"Oh, okay." I didn't think much of it, but I hoped he would be back in time to say goodnight.

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