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•Hunter's POV•

"Okay, take the next left. Then we should be there," I instructed my dad as we neared the church in Chicago.

When we arrived, my parents got out to sign paperwork, if need be, and Alex and I got the job of watching Lucy.

I noticed Alex looking around at all the campers-especially the girls. "Looking for someone?"

"What?" He startled. "Oh. Um, not really. It's just gonna be weird not having Amber here."

"I get it," I said, which only brought back memories of Kaila. I wished she could be here too.

Just then, a guy who looked to be in his mid-twenties came up to us. He had light brown hair, and was a little on the stocky side. "Hey, guys! You're new here, right?"

"Right," Alex and I said in unison.

"Okay, I'm the youth pastor here at First Baptist. Most people call me Pastor Brett. Can I get your names?"

"I'm Hunter, and this is Alex," I replied, pointing in turn.

"Awesome! Well, we're glad to have you. You can go ahead and find a seat on the bus. Then we'll have roll call, and be ready to go. Have a great time! I'll catch up with you guys later."

Then he left us alone to say our goodbyes to my family. Speaking of my family, I hadn't seen them in at least fifteen minutes.

"Let's go back to the car, Lucy," I said, reaching for my little sister's hand. But she wasn't where I'd left her. "Lucy?" I looked around me, and back in the car, but she was nowhere to be found. "Lucy!"

I went into a panic and dropped my head into my hands, slumping against the car. "Alex...I think I lost my little sister."

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