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•Rain's POV•

Since we were in the back of the bus, we were some of the last students to get off. I was getting claustrophobic, but finally, we were able to step out.

Everything looked just the same as last year. The chapel, the dorms, the cafeteria, the lake. I breathed in the fresh air and gazed around at all the scenery.

"Feels good to be back, doesn't it?" said a familiar voice from behind me. That voice still sent chills down my spine.

"Hey, Lincoln."

"Did you have a good bus ride?" he asked.

"Um, you were sitting right across from me. But yes," I replied.

"That's good. I can't wait to find out who's on my team this year!"

"Me neither." To be honest, I hadn't thought of it until now. But now that he mentioned it, I was just as excited as he was.

I'd liked my team last year. Blake had been on it, and that was fun. I couldn't wait to find out who I'd be spending time with this year!

Before I could think too long about it, though, Pastor Brett called us all together to announce roommates.

"In room 15, we have Rain, Emily, Jordyn, Kaila, Amber, and Kassie."

That was my cue.

"Yay, we're all together again!" Jordyn came up behind me and Emily and we did a group hug.

The other three girls joined us, and we introduced ourselves.

"Hi, I'm Kassie," said a short girl with a small nose stud and dyed reddish-brown hair.

"I'm Amber," said the girl with brown hair and blue eyes. She looked sweet.

"And I'm Kaila," said the last girl. She had bleach-blonde hair. Usually I didn't like that, but it looked pretty on her.

"Nice to meet you guys," I said. "I'm Rain."



So these were the girls I'd be spending the week with. Already, I could tell it was gonna be lots of fun!

- - -
A/N: Yay Rain met Kaila! (And Amber, of course.) More to come soon! 😊

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