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•Hunter's POV•


Was it really her? Of course it was. The same light blonde hair, beautiful smile. It was definitely her.

But what was she doing here?

"Why are you in Chicago?" I asked.

"My dad got transferred almost a year ago. I live here now," she told me. "What are you doing here?"

"My dad's on a business trip, and I didn't want to be stuck in the hotel, so I decided to go to this camp. And Alex came with me so I wouldn't be all alone."

Kaila turned to look at Alex, who was busy catching up with Amber. They still talked sometimes, but hadn't seen each other since camp.

"I can't believe you're here!" Kaila exclaimed.

"Same!" I wanted to hug her, but my parents and Lucy were still standing there. Awkwaaaard.

As if he'd read my mind, my dad patted me on the back and said, "We'll let you two catch up. Have fun at camp, Hunter." He gave me a hug, and then my mom hugged me and kissed me on the forehead.

"Ugh. Mom," I hissed.

"What? I'm gonna miss you," she insisted.

I shooed them away after saying goodbye to Lucy, and turned back to Kaila. "Where were we?"

"I can't believe you're here," she replied.

"Oh, right. But yeah, how did you even find out about this camp? Do you go to First Baptist?"

"No. I was just researching church camps in the area, and Kallen told me about this one. Oh, Kallen's my brother, by the way."

"I know, I remember. And that's cool."

"I still can't believe it's you. How've you been?"

"Good. You?" I asked.

"I've been pretty good. My team won first place in the all-state dance competition last month."

"That's awesome! Congrats."

"Thanks." She smiled, and it was then that I finally got the guts to hug her.

I really couldn't believe she was here. This was definitely going to be the best summer yet!

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