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A/N: Decided we needed a Lincain moment, so enjoy this chapter from Rain's POV😊

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•Rain's POV•

After games and lunch, we had free time. I was really missing Lincoln, even though we'd been on opposing teams in gaga ball, and sat together (with our friends, of course) at lunch. It wasn't the same as spending quality time with him.

I wished now more than ever that couples were allowed at least a few minutes alone each day. It's not like we were gonna do anything... Lincoln and I had both agreed that kissing was as far as we would go in our relationship. And we probably wouldn't even do that! But, alas, being alone was against the rules.

So we got a group together and went to the pool. Emily, Jordyn, and Blake came along.

Blake and Jordyn played some water basketball, and Emily sat out to tan. Lincoln and I drifted through the pool by ourselves. There were a few other people there, but no one that I knew.

"So, are you having fun?" I asked.

He hugged me from behind. "You mean with you, or just in general?"

I laughed. "At camp, silly."

"Then yes. And I totally beat your butt in gaga ball."

"Oh, mama don't think so! My team beat yours," I argued.

He laughed. "Did you just call yourself 'mama'?"

"Maybe. But the point is, I beat you."

"Oh, I let you win!" he insisted.

"Nahhh." I scrunched up my nose.

"You're so cute."


He laughed again. "I'm serioussss."

"I knowww," I said, mocking him.

"Good. Wanna play basketball?"

I snorted. "Basketball? Seriously? You know I hate sports."

"Oh, sorry, I forgot you're totally un-athletic."

I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Oh, real mature."

"I know right?"

He laughed and gave me a hug, his arms slippery from the water. I buried my head in his shoulder, breathing in the smell of chlorine and sunscreen. I couldn't help it-I pressed my lips to his shoulder and kissed it.

"Whoa, scandalous!" He broke away from me with his eyebrows raised.

"Oh stop," I said, laughing.

He splashed me, and I splashed him back. Soon, it turned into a full-on splashing war!

We left a few hours later, our fingers wrinkled like granny hands. The sun was warm on our backs as we walked back from the pool, and it finally started to feel like summer.

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