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A/N: Guys I totally forgot Kallen was at camp! 😱 *facewalls* Just for that, I'm gonna make this chapter in his POV. Also, to make it more interesting, I'm gonna go back and change it so that he's in a dorm with Lincoln, Hunter, Alex, and Blake. Eeeee happiness😁 Enjoy!

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•Kallen's POV•

I hoped Kaila was having fun, because I definitely was. Even though I didn't have anyone to sit with on the bus, it had been fine.

The session last night was amazing! I'd always loved the story of Abraham.

And now I'd found out who was on my team. I was on the Green Thumbs. (Kind of a lame name, in my opinion, but everyone else seemed to like it.) My teammates were Lincoln, Kylie, Matthew, Kelcie, and Nicole. They were all pretty cool, especially Lincoln.

As it turned out, he knew some of my sister's friends. And now I did too, because we were all sharing a room.

I didn't really know what to do for free time, so I just walked around the campsite. Then one of the rules came back to me: you have to have a buddy with you at all times.

So I looked around for one of my roommates. Finally, I found Blake. "Hey man, wanna shoot some hoops or something?" I asked.


So we went to the gym and played a little one-on-one. I got caught up in the game, and before I knew it, free time was almost over.

"I'd better get a shower before session," I said.

"Yeah, me too. Let's go back to the room," Blake agreed.

So we went to our dorm and took turns in the shower. I know there are two showers, but the thought of showering at the same time as another guy, in the same room, was kind of gross.

When we were all clean, it was time for session. I couldn't wait to find out what the message would be!

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