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A/N: Where is Hunter? You shall soon find out. Warning: extreme cuteness ahead!!!

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•Hunter's POV•

I wandered away from the other guys to look at stuffed animals. I know what you're thinking: why would a guy want a stuffed animal? The answer is, he wouldn't.

But I was thinking of a special girl in my life, one I missed a lot. My little sister, Lucy. I wanted to bring her home a souvenir. And there was nothing Lucy liked more than stuffed animals.

I couldn't decide which one to get her, though. There were so many to choose from!

Just as I was contemplating this, I heard a familiar voice say, "Need some help?" I smiled at the sound of Kaila's sweet voice.

"Hey, Kaila. And actually, I do need your help."

"How can I be of assistance?"

"I'm looking for something to get my little sister Lucy. She loves stuffed animals, but I'm not sure which one to get her."

"Well, what's her favorite animal?" she asked.

"Um...a horse, I think. Or maybe a unicorn, even though they don't exist."

"Hey, who says unicorns don't exist?" she said teasingly.

I laughed. "True."

She searched the rows of stuffed animals, and finally picked one out of the lot. It was a unicorn with rainbow spots and big blue eyes. "It's called a Beanie Boo," she explained. "Little girls love them."

"It's so cute," I said, admiring its eyes. They were quite large, for a stuffed animal.

"It's only $10. You should get it."

"Okay, I will. Thanks, Kaila."

"No problem."

I finally noticed that she was holding a shopping bag, and grew curious. "What did you get?"

"Oh, this?" She held up the bag. "It's a sweatshirt. All the girls got one."

"Oh, cool. Well, I better go pay for this. Wanna come?"

"Sure." She followed me to the front counter, where I bought the Beanie Boo.

I noticed Kaila standing off to the side, looking at a bracelet that hung on the rack. I watched her eyes go big and bright as she admired it. She looked so beautiful standing there, her eyes full of wonder and awe.

"Well, we'd better get going. Don't want to be late for dinner," I said.

"Yeah," she agreed, pulling herself away from the jewelry rack.

We joined the others and headed to our dorms to put everything away. Then it was off to dinner and session. Should be a good night.

7 Days of CampTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon