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A/N: HOW have I not updated this in four days?!?!?! Sorry man. Here's a chapter from Lincoln's POV, since there haven't been many from his perspective. Hope you enjoy!

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•Lincoln's POV•

The game of the day was kickball, a camp favorite. But it wasn't just normal kickball, or even the kind with kiddie pools. This time, the pools were filled with gross food items!

First base was filled with cold, half-cooked ramen noodles. Second base had slimy green beans. And third base had tomato juice. Home plate was a slip 'n slide, so you could rinse off all the grossness.

My team, the Green Thumbs, was playing with Sunkist, the orange team. We were against black and red. This would be freaking epic! Everyone from our group of friends-except Jordyn and Adam-were included. There was me on green; Emily, Hunter, and Kaila on orange; Blake on red; and Rain on black.

"You're goin' dowwwwn, Matthews!" I called to my girlfriend, Rain.

"Eat my dust!" she yelled back, swiping black face paint across her cheeks. She handed some to the rest of her teammates.

I grabbed a green sharpie out of my book bag. "Hey, Green Thumbs! Color your thumbs with this!" They all ran towards me and followed my lead.

The red team, whose name was Red Handed, covered the palms of their hands in red paint. And the orange team chugged bottles of Sunkist soda to psych themselves up. It was going to be a great game!

We flipped a coin, and our team (green and orange) got to kick first. Everybody lined up in the girl-boy-girl-boy order, while red and black took the field.

Emily was up first for orange. "Go Emily!" I yelled. Soon, everyone on both green and orange started chanting, "Em-i-ly! Em-i-ly!" and stomping their feet to the beat.

She kicked the ball as hard as she could, and sent it sailing through the air. Seeing that it was "in the hole," she ran for first base. The red team, who had taken the outfield, scrambled to retrieve the ball. But it was too late. Emily had already reached the pool of ramen.

"YEAH!!" we screamed.

Next up was a guy from my team named Max. He was kind of scrawny, and I didn't expect much. But he actually had a good, strong kick! The ball didn't go quite as far as Emily's, but he was still able to get to first base. Emily slid into the pool of nasty green beans, and I gave her a thumbs up.

Next was Kaila. "You got this, Kaila!" I said.

"Come on, Kaila!" Hunter added, clapping his hands together.

Kaila sent the ball way into the outfield, but was only able to get to first before the red team retrieved it. Oh well. Bases loaded.

Now it was my turn. A guy from the black team was pitching, and Rain stood at third base, watching me. I smirked in her direction and booted the ball hard. Home run!

Emily, Max, and then Kaila slid into home, followed by me. The cool water sprayed in my face as I skidded down the soapy slip 'n slide. Three runs, and no outs! We were off to a great start.

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