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A/N: This chapter is gonna be from Jordyn's POV, bc I don't have one from hers yet. I'm just gonna throw in a chapter from one of the less important characters every once in awhile, just so you can have more detail. Hope you like it!

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•Jordyn's POV•

I couldn't believe I was on a team with Adam-again! I was on the orange team with him last year, and it was so fun.

I didn't know him all that well, considering I only saw him seven days out of 365 a year. But I had a major crush on him, and I guess all my friends knew about it.

Or at least Emily and Rain did. They'd found out last year.

To be honest, I didn't think about him much when I wasn't at camp. But every year, as the days neared, I thought of him and wondered if I'd get to see him again. And now here he was, on the blue team with me. It was like a dream come true.

I knew Courtney a little better than the others, even though she'd never been in my room or on my team before. But I'd seen her around, and once, a few years ago, we'd talked while waiting in the lunch line.

But Calum, Paisley, and Nick were all foreign to me. I'd never seen any of them before.

Luckily, they introduced themselves at team time. Calum played drums at his church, and he loved all kinds of music. Paisley had a country accent, and explained that she was originally from Texas, but had moved here in the spring. Like Calum, she also loved music. Nick looked like the bad boy type, with his jet black hair, leather jacket, and lip ring. But you could tell he had a heart for God by the way he talked, and I thought that was really cool. It reminded me not to judge on appearances, because looks could be deceiving.

We named our team the Dolphins. Adam could do this really cool dolphin call thing, and he said he could do it as a rally of sorts in the games. It was so awesome! I loved his playful, fun-loving spirit.

I'd seen the other side of him, too, though, and I think maybe that was my favorite side of him. The sensitive and serious side. When it came time for worship, he was all in. You could tell just by looking at him that he was a Christian, and that he loved Jesus. I'd always found that so attractive.

As we walked to the cafeteria for lunch, he came up beside me and nudged my arm with his. It sent shivers down my spine. "Aye, we're on the same team again!" he remarked.

"Yeah!" My heart was pounding so hard, I couldn't think of anything better to say.

He smiled and jogged to catch up with Calum and Nick. I watched him run up behind Calum and jump on his back out of nowhere. I giggled under my breath. He was so cute...

I hoped that something would happen between us this year. Nothing serious ever had. I mean, we'd hung out a couple times-but that was only when and because we were on the same team. This year, I wanted things to be different.

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