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•Kaila's POV•

Sunkist decided to eat lunch as a team that day, so I got in line with Hunter, Emily, and the others. There were hot dogs and Mac n cheese being served.

We found a table in the middle of the room, and sat down to eat. "So, are you happy with your team?" Emily asked me.

"Yeah! I love to meet new people."

"Me too. I wish Rain could be with us, but at least we're all in a room together."


Emily gave me a funny look.


"You said 'trueness'."

"Oh, sorry. That's just something me and my friends say," I explained.

"Ohhh, okay."

"Yeah, we love to make up words. Basically, you can add 'ful' or 'ness' to the end of any word. It's kinda fun."

"I bet."

I realized that I hadn't eaten any of my Mac n cheese, so I took a bite. It was pretty good, for camp food.

After lunch, we had free time.

"Do you want to hang out with the girls and me?" Emily asked. "We'll probably play a game or go swimming."

"Um...I'll think about it. I was gonna catch up with my friends from Wisconsin."

"Oh, that's fine. Have fun!" She waved and smiled as she walked away.

I went to find Hunter, hoping he wasn't too far from the cafeteria. I hadn't seen him leave, if he did.

Finally, I found him talking to Alex at a different table. He was sitting with some people from his team; but Rain wasn't with them. She was probably with Lincoln. They were so cute together!

"Hey guys, do you want to go do something?" I asked the boys.

"Sure," Hunter replied.

"Like what?" Alex wanted to know.

"Um, we could check out the lake."

"Okay, cool. We'll be right there," Hunter said, smiling.

"K." I went to find Amber. Unfortunately, I'd forgotten what team she was on.

"Amber?!" I called through the cafeteria.

She came up behind me. "Here."

"Oh, hi. Wanna go to the lake with me and the boys?"

"You mean Hunter and Alex?"

I nodded.


So we gathered together and started walking towards the lake. It was kind of far, but we made it in under fifteen minutes. At least I think so. Phones weren't allowed at camp, and I'd forgotten to bring my watch.

The lake was huge! There were inflatables scattered about, and a station for paddle boats and canoes. I couldn't wait to go on a canoe ride!

"Does anyone know when the lake opens?" I asked.

"Rain said it's not open til tomorrow," Alex informed me.

"Oh, darn. I guess we'll have to do something else then."

"Let's check out the campsite," Hunter suggested.

We all agreed and started the walk back from the lake. It was so good to have the camp squad back together. I couldn't wait for this week!

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