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•Kaila's POV•

When I was done playing soccer, I noticed that Amber and Alex were nowhere to be seen. I had to find them, so we could go to lunch.

"Hunter, wanna help me look for Alex and Amber?" I asked.

"Sure," he replied.

As we walked, we talked about the game.

"Good job making that goal earlier," he told me.

"Oh, it's all thanks to you. You're the one that passed it to me for the score."


"So where do you think they could be?" I asked.

"I don't know... They couldn't have gotten far. It's only been about thirty minutes, and the camp isn't that big."

"I wish they would've stayed. Lunch is starting soon."

"Yeah, but oh well. It gives us an excuse to hang out." He winked, and I basically died.

"Oh, so I talked to Rosie."

"You did?" He seemed shocked. I didn't blame him.

"Yeah. We're friends now."

"That's great! I'm glad."

"Me too. I felt really bad about the way I treated her." Then I got an idea. "Can we invite her to sit with us at lunch today?"

"Sure. I bet she'd like that," he replied.

"I would too. I'd like the chance to get to know her, in the short time we have left here."

"Yeah, it would be good to catch up. I haven't talked to her since..." He trailed off.

"Yeah." I looked ahead and spotted our friends sitting on the dock, their feet dangling in the water. "Hey, look! There they are!"

Hunter and I walked to the dock and joined Alex and Amber. "Hey," said Hunter, startling them.

"Oh, hey," Alex replied. "Is it time for lunch?"

"Almost. We should probably head back."


"Coming," Amber added. I helped her to her feet, and she did the same for Alex.

We started walking towards the cafeteria. I wondered what was on the lunch menu for today. Hopefully something good!

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