Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Still Michael's P.O.V.

Cheryl kept silent but she was grinning from ear to ear.

Her smile was somewhat contagious as I soon found myself smiling.

I was in love.

For so long I had doubted that I would never be able to find love, that no one would love me for who I really am, they would love me for my fame and money. Grace? She isn't like that, she accepts me for me and she completely ignores the fame, she focuses on my real person. For the majority of my life I had to watch my brothers and sisters grow up, get a gurl, fall in love, get married and make a family, I had been so envious of what they had, I didn't understand why I didn't have their luck...but now? Now I have something better than they have.

I was in love.

And I was in love with Grace.

"Aww gimme some love!" Cheryl bustled over and encased me in her arms, giving me a big slobbery kiss on the cheek, "My Michael's in love!" She beamed.

I giggled, too happy to fight her off, I love a lot of things, like music, the planet, but love like this had never felt so good.

"You think I should tell her?" I whispered as Cheryl gently let me out of her grasp.

"When you're ready." She simply answered.

I nodded, "Please will you tell me what's wrong with Grace?"

"Like I said, I am in no position to tell you what's wrong, now why don't you go find her and ask her yourself? She needs a hug, go on." She urged.

I agreed as I rose from my position from the breakfast bar and proceeded to make my way outside, I turned before I left the kitchen, "Cheryl? Thank you."

I then started to jog outside.

Grace's P.O.V.

I kept running, I ran until my thighs ached and my feet throbbed, until my limbs could carry me no longer.

I ran until my throat burned, burned from the repetitive inhale and exhale of oxygen, burned from the continuous lump in my throat.

My eyes stung, stung with the wind pummelling my face as I ran, stung with the tears that also ran.

I was a mess. Inside and out.

I collapsed onto the soft and long grass, partly with exhaustion, partly with the lack of willpower to keep going.

I watched my chest rise and fall much too fast, I observed as my heart beat was visible through my clothes...but I didn't watch too long as the tears were blurring my vision.

I let my head rest on the ground, my body entirely encased in wild flowers and long blades of grass, normally this would have heightened my mood...but I was afraid. I'm not one to scare easily.

I forced myself up into a sitting position, my knees tucked into my chest as I shivered from the cool air and the overload of emotions.

As I peered around, I vaguely recognised this beautiful view, I realised I had subconsciously ran to the meadow Michael had taken me...the one in which he had asked me to be his girlfriend.

The sweet memories flooded back and filled my mind with joy but my heart with pain.

Fresh tears spilled onto my cheeks as I buried my head between my knees...I needed comfort, a hug, anything...

I felt my pocket for my phone and clumsily tapped in a number with my trembling hands, awaiting an answer felt like a billion years but it was only a few rings until a new but familiar and comforting voice greeted me.

I croaked down the line, "Hello? John?"

"Grace? Whats the matter?" John's warming voice echoed in my ears as he spoke, the mechanical muffle of the phone making him seem too far away, his tone panicked as he'd picked up on my distress.

I sniffed and forced out my words, the lump in my throat made my voice croaky, "John...I don't know what to do...I'm scared John..."

"Where are you Grace? Where's Michael? What's going on?!" He sounded sympathetic...worried.

"He's at the house...I ran off...I was afraid John, I-I didn't know how to handle it...I'm on the meadow... " I said between sobs.

"Stay right there, I'm coming to get you."

With that the phone line went dead, I collapsed back into the overgrown flowers and grass, letting the nature hug my body, sobs shook my body...I hated this.

I stared up at the sky as continuous tears ran down the sides of my face, the salt burning my skin. I watched as the clouds shaped and re-shaped, I watched as the sky turned different shades of blue...everything was beautiful except for this feeling inside of me.

"GRACE?!" I heard johns voice calling me, I sat up, my knees to my chest, I didn't call back for I had not the energy, but it was a mere few seconds before I saw his impressive and bulky frame hurtling up the meadow hill, it wasn't long until he saw me either.

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