Be Careful What You Wish For.

683 41 3

Still Grace's P.O.V.

Laden down with a huge bowls of sweets, chocolate, popcorn, ice cream and every other devilish dessert we could find, we walked side by side to the theatre.

The theatre was situated across from the main house, at the other side of the pool, a big red wooden door with gold swirly writing on it made the place look special, even from the outside. I had been in the theatre, only for a few minutes though, I hadn't had the chance to have a nosy around.

"Can you hold this for me?" Mike asked holding out his giant bowl, I nodded and took it whilst he fumbled around with the huge set of keys he had, trying to find the right key for the theatre.

"Exactly how long have you lived here?" I asked smiling, I kinda wanted to make a joke about him not knowing which key it was, but also, I genuinely wanted to know.

"Umm...just under a year..." he said still messing with the keys.

"Really?! Only that short amount of time? I thought you'd lived here a while!" I was shocked!

He giggled, "No I-I only bought the place about 10 months ago, not too long at all, I kinda wanted a place of my own y'know? If I wasn't living on the road when I was on tour then I'd go back home where the rest of my family were...I guess I just wanted to escape, have somewhere I could really make my own! Ah! Finally I got the key..."

I grinned as I watched him unlock the grand theatre door, also thinking about what he said, him mentioning being on tour reminded me he was in fact, a world wide super star, I had forgotten about that side to him completely, spending time with him made me realise he was simply...Michael Jackson.

"Yeah I gotcha, that's why I moved out, I wanted a space to call my own and do my own thing with right? So was the place like this when you purchased it?" I asked, realising we were still conversing  stood outside the theatre, but I didn't mind.

"No actually, it was a lot different! Pretty boring I'd say but that's why I liked it, I saw a lot of potential things I could do with the place, the grass was dying, the pool was all mossy, there were no flowers, no railway, no nothing, it was just a house with a lot of grass! I knew when I was very young that I had always wanted my own amusement park so...I'm lucky enough to have made that happen! There's still an awful lot I want to do with the place though! You wanna go in?" He motioned towards the entrance to the theatre.

"Wow you've done all that in such a short time?! Well I'm telling you Michael the place is absolutely beautiful, it's like a wonderland!" I beamed as I followed him in.

I followed Mike into the theatre, both bowls of naughtiness tucked under my arms, a slight smell of sweet muskiness filled my was exactly how cinemas smelt back home!

The theatre was big...not huge, holding about 60 seats, it was beautifully traditional, deep red velvet seats, each with a cup holder,  deep red carpet with golden swirls, the walls were two toned, the same crimson red on the bottom, the top half a shimmery gold, there was a small stage with red velvet curtains at each side, right at the back was a huge projection screen to watch the movies on, there was another door at the other end which appeared to be locked, the theatre was a little dingy, I looked around more, on the right hand wall there seemed to be 3 giant pictures.

My attention was distracted as Michael was jangling the keys about trying to unlock the door at the back, he finally let himself in and I heard as he flicked a switch, the electricals sounded like they were warming up and eventually some lights came on.

Now that I could see this wonderful part of Neverland in all its glory I found out just how special it really was, and just how good hearted Michael was.

On the left wall, in which I originally thought were paintings were actually 3 giant glass panes, behind the glass panes were small rooms with what looked to be a hospital bed in each.
Michael must have caught me looking, "I wanted to have those so that when I have children visit from the hospitals, even the ones who are extremely ill, bed bound and in quarantine can come to Neverland and enjoy themselves, the beds are special ones too as they can prop the kids up so they can watch whatever I have going off in here, sometimes it's a magic show, a puppet show or just a good movie..."

I turned to Michael, my jaw slightly ajar, my eyes slightly wide...slightly speechless...

"Michael..." I whispered, "You...that's - that's incredible...that's insanely beautiful of you..." words failed me as he smiled bashfully, looking down at the floor and letting out a quiet giggle.

I slipped my arms around his waist and laid my head on his chest, listening to his heart of gold, "You're really something special."

Michael's P.O.V.
I kissed the top of her head as it lay on my chest, I felt all warm and fuzzy inside, I'd heard that from a lot of people...that I was generous and caring, but I usually shrugged it off not thinking anything of it, but hearing it from Grace made it seem more real...more special...

"So umm...I was thinking Creep!" I broke the silence and she shifted her head to look up at me, still embraced in my arms.

"What?" She asked, an eyebrow raised.

I giggled at her expression. She made the best faces! "Creep! Y'know...for the movie?" I giggled again.

Her eyes slightly widened, "Oh yeahhhh...I forgot we were watching a horror film..." she sounded suspicious as she let go of me and went to retrieve the bowls of candy that we was a hell of a lot of candy...but I got a HUGE sweet tooth!

I followed her and embraced her waist and rested my chin on the crook of her neck.

"Don't worry gurl, this movie is only gonna be the worst, scariest, goriest, strangest and most twisted movie you're ever gonna watch!" I joked and kissed her on the cheek as I let her go and went to retrieve the remote for the projector.

She gave me a sarcastic look, "Oh how bloody delightful, I'm so excited I think I'm gonna rip all my clothes off and run around naked."

I glanced at her quickly and murmured whilst studying the remote, "I wish I could get you that excited..." I looked up from the remote slightly, she was looking at me, her eyebrows raised and a naughty smirk on her face.

I grinned and bit my lip before pressing play and dimming the lights, taking a seat next to her at the back with my bowl of candy.

The theatre was more or less pitch black right now, with just the light from the projection screen casting a shadow on the place.

"I'm scared." She hissed through the opening titles.

I laughed and shook my head, she looked petrified! I reached over and found one of her hands, intertwining my fingers with hers.

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