Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Still Grace's P.O.V.
His eyes had widened and his jaw had dropped again but the corners of his mouth were pulling his lips into an amused shocked face, his eyebrows were raised, he struggled to keep his eyes off my boobs that I was still squeezing to tease him.

"Wh-what? No, o-of course not..." he stuttered, his grin was growing, his voice sarcastic.

"You're such a bad liar." I smiled, biting my lip.

His hands covered his face, he giggled with nervousness. Knowing I had him all sussed out. I assumed my position over his body again and peeled his hands away from his face.

"Well..." I began.

He looked to the side, his face reddening. He finally looked at me again, "Well what?" His smile made me weak.

"We should get under the covers."

His face fell a little, "What for?"

"Trust me." I reassured him, pecking him on the lips and removing myself from him as he cautiously did as he was told, he pulled back the covers and laid back down, I crawled over him again and pulled the duvet over me like a cape. "Now, if you want to see gotta reach behind my back and undo this bra..." I shrugged as if it was nothing, but truthfully, I was dying too.
I just wanted to try keep my cool for him. He looked at me as if I'd just asked him to murder somebody.

"I-I don't" he whispered, our hot breaths mingling.

I smiled at his everlasting innocence. "Just unhook it. You'll figure it out." I sneakily took one of his hands and guided it towards my back and placed his palm on the clasp of my bra, he touched it with his finger tips, his wants were too strong and soon he overcame his restrictions and took his other hand to the clasp too, he stared at the ceiling in concentration as he carefully and gently messed about trying to undo it. A little gasp escaped him when we both heard it come undone.

"See. You're an expert." I winked at him, he was smiling like a goon.
I held the unfastened bra to my breasts and straddled him, I took the duvet and wrapped it around my shoulders, slipping the bra off from underneath, I tossed it to the floor. Nothing was showing yet but he was still staring at me in awe. I let the duvet slip slowly from my shoulders, revealing myself...

I watched as his eyes widened impossibly, he quickly looked away again and a choked gasp came from his throat. He clenched his teeth in an embarrassed grin. I chuckled at him, his reaction somehow eased my nerves, he was the first male to see this much of me but he made me feel empowered.

I stayed in my revealed position for a couple of seconds, he eventually turned his head back towards me but focused all his energy on trying to keep his eyes on mine and to not let them wander.

I left my straddling position and returned to leaning over him, he gulped hard but I could see the excitement in his eyes.

"You're not gonna look?" I teased.

"I-I want to but-" his voice hushed.

"They're yours to play with." I smiled naughtily.

It seemed he liked that comment as his eyes rolled back and he bit down hard on his lip, he wriggled underneath me, I so desperately wanted to grind on him.

"Come." I held my hands out to him and returned to straddling his thighs, I pulled him up so he was in a sitting position, his face a few inches from my breasts.

"You're doing this on purpose." He tried to sound defeated but he only made himself sound like he was enjoying it.

"Of course I am." I grinned, taking his face in my hands and resting my forehead against his.

He licked his lips and raised his eyebrows, a small smile flashed across his face and surprisingly, even though I clearly saw him, he dropped his eyes down to my chest to take a peek.

I felt his body tense beneath me and heard him sharply exhale. He leaned back onto his hands so they were keeping up his body weight so we were now further apart but he had a clearer view, he shook his head in disbelief as he melted into little nervous giggles, looking away, looking back and admiring them again and then looking at me.

He struggled with words, ", oh god. H-how the hell did I lucky?"

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