Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Still Grace's P.O.V.
He laughed a little, "Man, you're nosy!"

"Yeah of course I am, now carry on!" I giggled.

"Umm...the glance of her lasted a mere few seconds, it was the last song, the crowd goes WILD and I think someone pushed in front of her...then she was lost, I tried frantically to search for her in the crowd but she had been engulfed in the tsunami of people...We rushed off stage after and I started shouting, 'Did you see that gurl?! The one with the red jeans?! Did you see her?!' And people thought I was going crazy! I asked my brothers and none of them had seen her, I ran to security and told them to man the doors and look for a girl with a denim jacket and red jeans on amongst all the people who were leaving the venue. They didn't return for over an hour and I just couldn't get her off my mind, my brothers were all like 'Mike! She's gone, get over it! You saw her for a few seconds!'" He started to laugh, "But the only thing I could say was, 'I've just fallen in love and you're telling me to get over it?!' So the security came back and they said they'd not found anyone, she had probably left before they got there...but...there was hope! We have cameras shooting every performance we do and I had people watch the whole thing trying to pick her out from the crowd, but the camera had been high up and to the back of the stage so the crowds faces were not all that visible...until I was watching with them...I saw that flash of red, her jeans, they tried to zoom in but she got more and more pixelated, I couldn't really see her face, but could see the red of the jeans and the blue of her jacket. I had the shot printed off and ordered people to track her down otherwise I would not rest, I was told I was being stupid and crazy but I knew I had to find her! No one ever found her...I'd never felt that urge for someone again...until I met you, and that's when I knew you were right for me." He grinned, I broke out into the biggest smile, that gave me the best feeling in the world.

There was one more question I wanted to ask him, " you still have that picture?"

He half smiled..."Yes."

"Can I see it?" I asked shyly.

He raised an eyebrow, "Why are you so interested?"

"I dunno, I like to find out about your ins and outs, mysteries...stuff like that...strictly speaking we shouldn't keep anything from each other considering we're boyfriend and girlfriend..."

He laughed shaking his head, "I love YOU, Grace. Why does a blurry picture of a gurl I saw in a crowd years ago interest you so much? I don't get it...but yeah, why not, you can see the picture...if I get to see a picture of Jason." He raised his eyebrows with a cocky look on his face.

He'd never seen Jason...but...I didn't see why not, it could prove useful.
I sighed..."Fine."

"Fine. And we shall go through with these proceedings tomorrow! It is late, we've had an awfully long, stressful and emotional day, I don't know about you but that, along with this champagne has finished me off!" he giggled.

I arose from his lap and he took my hand as he lead me down the steps to the ground floor of his bedroom.

After spending the last couple of nights blissfully sharing a bed with Michael at the Manhattan hotel...I wasn't sure how things were going to work out now we were back at Neverland.

Did I invite him to sleep in my bed? Wait for an invitation to sleep in his bed? Go to our separate rooms and separate beds? I really didn't want to sleep alone, not after sharing with Mike...I loved it too much.

I pondered as I stood in his room, watching him get out some pyjamas, I figured if he was about to get changed he wouldn't want me in his room.

"Umm...well goodnight, Mike..." I said rather uneasily, partly hoping he would stop me and say, 'Wait, why don't you sleep in here tonight' or 'why don't I join you in your room?' another part of me was willing myself to ask him to sleep in my room...but found no courage to do so...

"Goodnight baby gurl..." he pulled me in for a passionate goodnight kiss, I saw his eyes flit to the secret door and then back to me, he chewed his lip as if trying to make himself ask me something...but he never did.

I reluctantly gave up on the idea of sleeping together again...and sadly exited Michael's room and entered mine, shutting the secret door behind me.

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