Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Still Michael's P.O.V.
I slowly prised my body off of hers and opened up a little cupboard next to the TV, in there I had a selection of different movies to watch, but not even half as many as I had at Neverland, this was just an emergency stash.

I had copies of my favourites in here as well as some I had not seen in a while...and some that I had not seen at all.

I decided to pick out a movie that I had not seen but had been meaning to watch for a while, it had been out for some time and a lot of people had said it was awesome, I had just not gotten round to watching it yet. Forrest Gump.

"Hey, if you go into the kitchen, the cupboard on the far left has some snacks in it, get some out for us!" I said to Grace as I began to start up the movie.

"Holy crap Mike, did Willy Wonka pay you a visit or something?! There's loads of stuff in here!" She called from the kitchen.

I laughed, "You can never have too much candy!"

She came back in with two bowls piled high with chocolate, sweets and biscuits.

"Enough?" She said somewhat sarcastically whilst grinning.

"Hmm...I'm not sure..." I played along.

We sat ourselves on the sofa and I started the movie, she sat very close next to me and I put an arm around her.

As the opening titles began to play she let out a loud shriek, scaring the hell out of me!

"What?!" I gasped.

"Forrest Gump?! This is one of my FAVOURITES!" She screamed excitedly.

I breathed out, trying to calm my heavily beating heart, "Ugh...don't do that!" I laughed.

Well, if Grace thinks the movie is good then I'll take her word for it!

Before I knew it we were halfway through the movie, it was incredible so far! My snack bowl was almost empty, I felt kinda guilty for eating so much bad stuff but that wasn't going to stop me from getting more.

I was about to get up to go refill my bowl, when I felt Graces hand wander...and start to stroke the insides of my thigh...

Her delicate touch on such a sensitive area was enough to stop from doing anything or moving anywhere. A shiver travelled up my spine as I watched her tiny fingers reek havoc on my nerves.

She was hardly doing anything yet it felt like much, much more. My inner thigh was so hypersensitive it was a struggle to keep still...I was enjoying it, it was flirty and...seductive.

I tried to watch more of the movie but my mind was elsewhere. Not concentrating on Forrest Gump on a shrimp boat anymore...but concentrating on the magical manoeuvres of Grace's fingers.

I found my fists and teeth were clenched together tightly as my heart beat was heavier and faster, I glanced at her quickly, she was still indulged in the film.

Her fingers were gradually travelling up my inner thigh and towards my crotch...not that I didn't want her to, I thought it was extremely just brought back memories of what she did to me in Manhattan, and how I wanted to save myself for tonight. Maybe she was just testing me to see how long I could last. Or maybe, she was telling me something...that she felt the same way I did today...

I wanted to be brave and make something, anything happen tonight...but... I wanted to surprise her now. I wanted to let her know that I wanted it.

I glanced at her fingers once again and then I peered at her, still endorsed in Forrest Gump.

I fought back a smile and a giggle, and also the urge to restrict what I wanted to do. But I battled with myself and finally made some kind of a move.

I placed a hand over hers that was on my thigh...and simply slid it upwards...and laid it across my crotch.

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