Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Michael's P.O.V.
As I began to sprint outside on the hunt for Grace, a niggling thought stained the back of my mind, 'go to the meadow.' I made the decision to follow my instincts, I did after all, think that the meadow was where I would find Grace.

I was a fast runner, not being vain, but I knew I was, I loved to run, I just wished I had the chance to do it more often! Going at my hasty speed it didn't take me long at all to reach my beloved and beautiful meadow, I began to climb its steep hill, expecting to see Grace at the very top.

Which I did...with John.

I slowed to a stop...I had previously been smiling as I caught my first glimpse of Grace, but that smile had vanished...Grace's and Johns faces were close...too close...touching?

Grace's dainty hands upon Johns cheeks.

Were they...kissing?

I couldn't see what was happening properly as I was hidden away, Johns back towards me, Grace was barely visible for Johns bulky frame.

I swallowed hard, I couldn't be certain, but it looked pretty positive...

Grace then moved, giggling and hugging John, I heard her faintly talking, "Why didn't you tell me before?!"

And then John, "You never asked! Plus, I have only known you a few days!"

I watched as Grace lay back into the growth, disappearing into the long grass. John followed and laid down beside, I heard Grace again, "Feels like forever though."

"Feels like forever..." I whispered under my breath, my heart sunk, was there something going off between them? It sure did look like could they?
I turned quickly, running back down the hill, running from them.

Grace's P.O.V.
John and I got up from the long and lovely grass, I linked arms with him as we began to make our way back to the house, we laughed and conversed about, well, Michael mostly.

"There was this one time, when we were visiting Elizabeth and we walked through the gates and her dog came scuttling up to us, real cute thing too, wouldn't hurt a fly but it barks a lot, and then all of a sudden we heard this yelling coming from Michael, the dog was only jumping up at him but he was running away from it screaming like a little kid, shouting 'Get it away!', me and Bill were laughing so much we couldn't do anything! Mike don't like little dogs, he likes big dogs though!" John laughed.

I was giggling hysterically at Johns story.

"See. Aren't you glad you love a man like that?!" He grinned.

"More than glad!" I laughed.

Soon we had reached the house, by now night had fully fallen and the outdoor lights lit up Neverland beautifully.

We entered the kitchen, but instead of a smile from Cheryl, we were greeted by a death glare, a rolling pin in her hand too.

"Ya'll got some explaining to do?" She asked, we were both as confused as each other.

"What?" My voice shuddering.

She continued. "Nah I ain't got this rolling pin out for baking, if I gotta whoop yo asses with it that's what I'll do, nah you ain't telling me Mike came running in here with tears on his face for no reason, he said he saw you two hooking up in that damn meadow, nah you gon' dish the dirty or do I have to use this rolling pin hmm?"

"What?!" I exclaimed, "What did he say?!" I asked, pretty hurt.

"He said he was on that meadow tryin' to look for you! Then he saw you with your hands on his damn face looking like you were making out!" Cheryl swung the rolling pin precariously.

I couldn't help but smile a little bit as realisation was setting in.

"Did Michael actually say he saw us kissing? Or did he say it looked like we were kissing? There's a big difference!" I snickered, looking up at John, he sported the same expression as I did, he was on my wavelength.

"He looked like you were kissing..." she sighed and put down the rolling pin, "Mike got the wrong end of the stick don't he."

Both John and I nodded, I went on to explain.

"When I ran off I went to the meadow, I phoned John to come to me, to talk to me, which he did, I told him about, y'know, me loving Michael and stuff and how scared I was and John talked to me, made me feel a lot better, positive. Then we got onto other stuff and John told me something about him, that's when Mike must have been snooping on us because what John told me, I found really cute so I was squeezing his cheeks, which, from where Michael was, must have looked like we were kissing, there's nothing going on between us Cheryl!" I grinned.

"That damn kid, you know all these misinterpretations that Mike has, it cripples him! I believe you sugar, but what was so adorable about John huh?!" She asked.

I smirked and looked up at John, he took the initiative to tell Cheryl himself.

"Just that I'm gay!" He laughed.

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