Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Still Grace's P.O.V.
I took a deep breath in as I closed the secret door, I wasn't going to lie, I was trying to put on a brave face for Michael, I didn't want to cry in front of him anymore...I didn't want to seem in pain anymore...I didn't want to seem frightened anymore.

Reality wise? I still wanted to cry even though I think my eyes were incapable of producing any more tears. I was in pain. My head throbbed, I could feel bruises appearing on my skin from where Jermaine was grabbing at me and holding me...and yes, I was still frightened. Just like any other time I had been attacked by Jason. Maybe I was starting to get used to being treat this way...but it still got the fear never know whether you're actually going not.

I started the shower going and undressed...examining my body in the mirror...the gash on my head was worse than I expected, it was very swollen...I had small fingertip shaped bruises scattered all over my skin, mostly on my shoulder blades, my wrists...and my waist.

I looked ten years older than I hair a total mess...big, purple, puffy bags under my eyes, my skin dry from the salt in my tears drying it nose red from lips chapped...

I stepped into the shower and let the hot water ease me, there was nothing a shower couldn't fix, it relaxed my tense muscles and soothed my injuries...I let it wash away every thought about what had happened...I wanted it gone forever.

I washed the blood and Jermaines stale alcohol out of my hair...I washed myself delicately as the bruises were sore. But I instantly felt a lot better.

I dried off, letting my hair air dry whilst I put on some comfy grey shorts and a raglan top...the last thing I wanted to wear was something tight right now.

I looked in the mirror again...I saw an improvement...yet I didn't apply makeup...I didn't feel like it.

I made my way over to the secret door and was about to open it to go into Michael's room when I heard his voice, I paused and listened but could only make out a few words.

"Bill! Please...just get rid of him..."

I backed away from the door, I didn't want to barge in there when he was on the phone, but it sounded like he was talking about Jermaine.

I lounged on my bed for a few, I reached over and opened the bedside table drawer and spied my phone, I had not even picked the thing up since I got to America, I had totally forgotten about it.

I pressed the button but the screen stayed black, I'd left it so long it had ran out of charge! I got up and dug around in my handbag for the charger which I shortly found and plugged in my phone. I should probably call my mum, I had been here almost a week and done nothing to give her a sign that I was even still alive!

I was startled by a soft knock on the secret door.

"Come in!" I called.

I watched as Michael opened the door, immediately, I felt underdressed, as I always did when standing next to this man! Although he was only wearing some black jeans, a white t-shirt and a white shirt over the top...he still looked award show worthy...especially when he had that half up and half down hairstyle going on...he gave me heart eyes.

He hid his bashful smile, "How are you feeling?" He asked quietly.

I nodded, "Better..."

"Good!" he said, sounding generally pleased, he continued, "Listen...I don't mind if you don't feel like it but...I was thinking y'know...just for today and tonight we could go somewhere to escape? To forget all of this that's happened? Just be together, me and you, no John...just me...and you...whatcha say?"

I grinned broadly, "That sounds...amazing..." I breathed with relief in my voice.

He grinned too, "Umm...I know this little place, about an hour away from here, I go there quite often to get away from everything, I'm not meant to be alone really but, I don't allow anyone there with me, no bodyguards, no one..."

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