Be Careful What You Wish For.

527 44 7

Still Grace's P.O.V.
He raised an eyebrow taking the bottle away from his lips.

"Grace, I'm not gonna do that." He said sternly.

"Why? I'll do it if you do it." I tempted.

"No. That's stupid. Why would you want to drink it so quickly?"

"Umm to get drunk quicker? Duh?" I shrugged. Bringing the bottle to my lips and tipping it, I had about three quarters of the bottle left but easily downed it, all the while Michael was trying to stop me.

I took the bottle away when it was empty.

"See." I shrugged again, "It's easy. Now you." I nodded at him.

He shook his head, "No."

I sighed, "Fine. Spoilsport. You'll just have to put up with me being drunk whilst you catch up with me and get drunk too, sorry." I wanted him intoxicated. Badly. I was putting on a deliberate attitude.

I went over and brought out the bottle of vodka unscrewing its cap and digging out two glasses from a cupboard.

"If you're not gonna down the bottle, at least do some shots with me."

"Grace, you're going a little far..." he said cautiously as he watched, "Why do you wanna get drunk so bad?"

I put the bottle down after pouring two shots worth of vodka into the glasses and looked at him.

"Michael. I want to get drunk so I can forget about the fact that your brother almost raped and killed me in the early hours of this morning. Okay? And I also actually want to have a good and silly time with you. Is that too much to ask for?" I stared at him, my voice was very serious, I was getting kind of angry at his stubbornness.

He swallowed and stepped forward, tilting his head back as he met the beer bottle with his lips and downed the remaining liquids. He grimaced and wiped his mouth once he was done. He came closer, and bent over so he was at my level, his face very close to mine, "No, that's not too much to ask for." He whispered and grabbed a glass with the vodka shot, taking it in his mouth and swallowing in one. Grimacing again and coughing from the burn of the alcohol he clutched his chest and growled a little.

"Come on. Catch up." He said, winking.

I beamed at him and took my shot too.

After we had destroyed half the bottle of vodka between us and downed a couple more beers each, there was no stopping us. We were tipsy and getting louder and more merry with every second that passed. One more each and we'd be wasted. And I wanted that.

Michael was the cute, cheeky drunk type who was silly and clumsy.

He had sparks of babyishness who'd pout, giving me the puppy dog eyes when he didn't get his way, but then he also had his moments of pure naughtiness where he'd make the sly little sexual comment or would just stare at me biting his lip.

I guess I was kind of like Michael, but I was louder and a lot more confident when influenced, I laughed a lot, even at things that weren't funny. And I was devilishly flirtatious.

He was walking around the apartment with a beer bottle glued to his lips, humming as he drank only to pause when he swallowed. His free arm up in the air as if he was at an invisible concert. He threw his head back when his fifth bottle was empty and let out a loud, "Wooo!"

I laughed as I watched him through hazy, drunken vision, realising a few seconds later that he was actually right in front of me now, I was perched on the couch and he was stood in front of me, his crotch perfectly in line with my face.

"My eyes are up here..." he said in a low, sexy tone, slurring his words, lifting my head up with his finger under my chin.

Letting out a breathy giggle I forced my eyes up to his, about to say something naughty when our moment was interrupted by a knock on the door.

I jumped up, "FOOD!" I screamed racing to the door, I turned back to Mike before opening it, putting a finger on my lips and motioning for him to keep quiet.

I swung the door open with too much enthusiasm, hurriedly took the food off the delivery guy and stuffed the money into his hand, closing the door before he even had the chance to say anything.

Michael was at my side before I knew it and we were soon devouring the pizza and other stuff like hungry hyenas, giggling and laughing at nothing but then again, at everything. We were so hungry we didn't care that we had it all over our faces.

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