Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Still Grace's P.O.V.
My eyes widened as I was taken aback from his sudden outburst, I struggled to even respond.
"Wh-what?" I stuttered.

"Don't act all innocent!" He snarled.

His words hurt me, why was he acting like this?

"Michael...I-" I began, before he cut me off.

He started to raise his voice, pacing the kitchen and waving his hands about in a frenzy, his eyes looked cold and he spat his words.

"Grace! None of this would have happened if you didn't open the damn door! What the hell were you thinking?! Is that a habit of yours? Do you open the door to everyone that just so happens to be knocking at 3am?"

He eyes were like daggers...the way he looked at me was as if...he hated me.
I couldn't speak...I was stunned. I didn't even make an effort to hold back the tears that were overspilling.

"I don't get it, Grace! If it wasn't Jermaine at the door you wouldn't have known who it was anyway! It could have been a cold blooded murderer looking for me! It could have been one of my friends passing by but either way, you wouldn't have known! Why did you answer it?!" He was an angry mess, his hands pulling at his hair as he breathed heavily between his words, he span and slapped the wall where his back hunched...

He lowered his voice, his back still turned to me, "You know first hand what Jermaine is like, he has tried to get it from you before. If you hadn't opened the door then...Jermaine wouldn't have gotten to you...Jermaine wouldn't have tried to rape you again...and I wouldn't have had to attack my own brother."

"'re blaming all of this on me?" I croaked, I was too shocked to cry although the tears still found their way to escape my eyes...

He turned around, refusing to make eye contact with me, he chewed on his lip and exhaled loudly, "I'm not blaming it on you." He said coldly.

I scoffed, "Yes you are!"

He began again, "Grace-" but this time I cut him off.

"No, Michael! I can't believe you! Okay, I admit I shouldn't have opened the door, but I think you're forgetting something rather important!" My voice was raising, I was angry at him for reacting like this, all I wanted was a hug but all I was getting was grief. I had risen from my seat at the breakfast bar and was making my way over to him as I argued...eventually I was stood right in front of him.

I continued, "I think you're forgetting the point that I've been woken up many, MANY times with a knock on the door at an hour like this, and guess what? Not one of them were a friendly wake up call, I answered the door, I don't know why! Maybe not to be rude? Maybe out of curiosity? Now every time I had answered the door I was greeted by a drunken, aggressive and hateful male, who wanted to fucking rape me, take off my clothes and demoralise me. That man was Jason. So do you think I felt any different when Jermaine came through the door? Drunk, aggressive and hateful? Who tried to rape me, take off my clothes and demoralise me? I don't know Michael, maybe it's just that I'm used it now. I'm used to being treated that way. The fear has gone. Why do you think I fell for you Michael? Maybe because you treat me right, I feel safe with you. Now I'd appreciate if you didn't blame me for you attacking you vile brother...and especially if you didn't blame me for almost getting raped TWICE by him, it's not something I want to bring on myself. I think you're forgetting that I once opened the door to you...and let you into my life." My voice was flat toned and cold, I stared at him before walking away.

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