Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Still Grace's P.O.V.
"Destination 7?!" Ray asked with a hint of disbelief in his voice.

Michael slammed the limo boot shut and opened one of the side doors, "Yes. Destination 7." That masculine tone still present in his voice, it was sexy.

"A-are you sure?" Ray stuttered.

Mike scoffed, "What do you mean am I sure?! Of course I am, Ray!"

"'ve always said nobody, except for you, is allowed there..." Rays voice was hushed, I think he tried to speak so I wouldn't hear, but it didn't work.

I watched Michael's body language, he stood straight and tall, his sharp jawline protruding, his eyes slightly narrowed as if to say 'what the hell, Ray.'

"You're right. But Grace isn't just a nobody. Now, take us to Destination 7." A small smirk apparent on his face.

He glanced at me and motioned me into the limo as he held the door open for me.

Ray clumsily stumbled into the drivers seat and Mikey followed me into the limo, he sat close, his scent of Tom Ford's 'Black Orchid' drifting from him as he smoothed back the tied up curls and got comfortable.

He reached down and grabbed the radio and spoke to Ray through it.
"Slider up please, Ray."

Ray didn't say anything back but from the very back of the limo I watched as Ray reached behind him and slid up the medium sized, black tainted glass slider that separated us from the driver, giving us privacy.

The limo started to move and soon we had driven down the very long Neverland driveway and awaited at the Golden Neverland Gates for the guards to let us out, then we were on our way.

"So." I broke the silence, "What and where is this Destination 7?"

He suddenly broke out into a grin and a chuckle. "Oh. Just this little place that I have...where I go to...escape for a be...alone." He sneakily looked me up and down and licked his lips, "I can't tell you where it is, nobody knows except myself and Ray, it's my own little place that I can go feel...normal. Ray is the only one who knows about the place but he has never been allowed should think yourself lucky." He winked.

Michael's P.O.V.
"'s like a little secret hideout?" She asked, he eyebrows furrowed and her green eyes narrowed, she looked cute when she was confused.

"Yeah! I guess you could call it that..." I smirked.

I wanted to get away from Neverland for a little while, as much as I loved to call that place home and as much as I truly did love held some bad memories, and last nights events added to that list.

I wanted to forget about last night...I wanted to pretend it never happened, maybe that's wrong, in the back of my mind I know I should have called the police...taken Grace to the hospital and all the rest of me selfish, I couldn't do that. You can't do that when you're in the entertainment industry...

If I had done what desperately needed to be done, myself, Grace, Jermaine and a lot of other people that are associated with me could well be in court at this very second. Hundreds...if not thousands of paparazzi trying to get their sly noses into our business and taking what they hear, twisting, ripping, crunching up those stories into something completely false...they could print in a newspaper that I tried to kill my brother with intent. And God only knows what would have happened to Grace. The world doesn't even know about her only imagine what they would do to her makes me feel sick. I wanted to protect her and keep her well away from the world that I live in...for as long as possible.

I wanted to shy away from the glass covered floor where I had broken the bottle over Jermaine's head, away from the blood spatters, away from my unconscious brother slumped in my guest house.

I wanted to return to Neverland with no glass, no blood and no brother.
Return to Neverland as it should be.

I reached over and laid my hand over Grace's that was on the seat beside me, we glanced at each other and she flashed that gorgeous smile. She was so brave. And I was not...

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