Be Careful What You Wish For.

526 47 9

Still Grace's P.O.V.

After we had devoured the food like vultures on a carcass we didn't even bother to clear away the rubbish, too drunk to care and too happy to alter that.

"How about a nice after dinner drink?" Mike slurred as he held the still unopened bottle of whiskey in the air.

"Mmm yes please!" I laughed.

I watched him as he unscrewed the cap and brought the whole bottle to his mouth, taking huge gulps of the golden liquid.

My eyes widened, "Mike, stop!"

He took the bottle away, growling as the liquor burned his chest.

"You can't just drink whiskey like that, you'll be on the bloody floor!" I tried to grab the bottle from him.

"I'm already half way there..." he giggled as he started gulping down the whiskey again.

By now I knew there was no chance in stopping him, the whiskey would soon kick in over the top of everything else that he had consumed and he would be absolutely loopy.

"At least let me have some!" I laughed and he finally gave up the bottle and handed it to me.

I took it and copied him, taking large gulps, it was seriously strong and made me grimace and loose my breath.

I peered over at Mike when I paused and saw him leaning his head against the wall, groaning to himself quietly, covering his eyes.

I stifled a giggle.

"Everything is spinning..." he whimpered.

I took a few last swallows of whiskey before I went over to him.

"Sup?" I asked giggling.

"I can't see..." he half giggled.

"Do you need me to take you to bed?" I asked mischievously.

We smirked at each other before I instinctively grabbed his hand and dragged him towards the bedroom.

This wasn't the time I was going to put the lingerie on, that was when we were officially going to go to bed, and I was going to make sure that we were not going to bed yet.

"Oh god, slow down, I'll throw up." He staggered behind me although there was still a little giggle.

I had brought the bottle of whiskey with me, taking a gulp and putting the bottle to Mikes lips.

Although the room was spinning for him he didn't fight the alcohol being poured into his mouth but welcomed it.

He flopped back onto the bed, he groaned, covering his eyes.

I surveyed his lean body, practically peeling his clothes off with my eyes alone.

I got on the bed too, but started to crawl over him, hands and legs at each side of his body. The alcohol had made me confident and extremely wanting.

There was nothing left of my sober conscience stopping me from doing anything right now.

My head lingered above his, his hands still covering his face so I kissed the top of his hands were his lips would have been.

He slowly prised his hands away and as soon as his lips were available to latch onto, I did.

He met me halfway, obviously hungry for it, a hand of his pressing on the back of my head, pushing me closer and harder onto his lips as we messily made out with a lot sexual frustration.

I lowered my backside into his crotch and began to grind hard on him whilst we still kissed.

A low grunt escaped his lips as he felt the first contact of me on him. I had grind on him before. But not with such force and lust before...but he seemed to be enjoying it as the hand at the back of my head had found its fingers tangled in my hair and he grabbed handfuls of it every time I hit a sweet spot.

I wanted his clothes off.

I grabbed the collar of his T-shirt and yanked him up so he was in a sitting position, of course I was still straddling him.

Letting go of his collar I grabbed the bottom of his top with both my hands, raising an eyebrow at him, asking him mentally if I was allowed to take it off.

Although I was drunk I still knew he was insecure and I still didn't want to take him too far.

He answered me after looking into my eyes by doing nothing than lifting up his arms.

I lifted his shirt, lifting it up and over his head.

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