Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Still Grace's P.O.V.

"Is there anything you want to do tonight?" Mike asked, his voice no louder than a whisper.

I smiled a little, "Maybe we should have a relaxing night together, after all, things were pretty hectic when we were in Manhattan!"

I felt his body slightly shake as he chuckled, "Yeah, you're right! We did so much in Manhattan, I told you I had a lot planned though didn't I? So...I'm thinking movie night, snacks and cuddles tonight? Sound good?" I could hear the joy in his voice.

I pulled back so I could sit up and face him, his eyes were gleaming and his mouth was grinning.

"That sounds like heaven!" I exclaimed.

"Then come on! Cheryl probably has food ready for us, we can sort our own snacks out after we have eaten yeah?"
He smiled as we got up from the carved stone bench and began to make our way back inside the Neverland mansion, of course, hand in hand.

As we stepped in through the kitchen the delicious smell of freshly made pasta with tomato sauce wafted through my nostrils, instantly making my mouth water.

"Cheryl that smells like some good ass shizz right there!" I giggled.

She turned around letting out a bellowing laugh, "Well you're in luck sugar, it's ready!"

Mike and I sat at the counter on the high stools to eat, Cheryl was an amazing cook as every mouthful was like a flipping orgasm! Way better than the hotel food we had at the weekend!

" about we watch a horror movie tonight?" Mike said, slurping up some pasta.

My eyes widened as I stopped instantly, "You know I hate horror films!" I laughed.

He giggled mischievously, "Don't worry, I'll look after you!" He winked.

I smiled sarcastically as he was silently giggling to himself. I knew he was doing this on purpose, he knew I hated horror films!

"Exactly why do you want to put me through the tortures of a horror film, Michael?" I asked with a slight hint of mischief in my voice.

He glanced at me through the corner of his eye, a cheeky smirk still present as he continued to slurp up his spaghetti.

He swallowed and began to talk, "Hmm let me think now. You, don't like horror movies. Am I right?" He asked, a comedic look on his face.

I nodded and he carried on.

"I, on the other hand, love them, I can watch the screen without cowering away, you...can't. You, need something to bury your face in when you're scared, you need something to protect you...I don't. can bury your face into me whilst I protect you with my big strong arms around you, you can cling onto me whilst you're scared and I can soothe you see why I want to watch a horror movie now?" He flirtatiously winked and smiled whilst taking another mouthful of spaghetti. I on the other hand...was dumbstruck.

"You know what, I think you're right, a horror film...that sounds like an excellent idea." I chuckled.

We both finished eating and washed up the plates and cutlery for Cheryl. I was putting the plates away in a cupboard when Michaels hands suddenly grabbed me by the waist making me squeal a little.

"Oh, I'm sorry, did I scare you?" His voice overly sarcastic and one eyebrow raised.

I playfully punched his arm as he took my hand, "Let's find some snacks!" He yelled excitedly.

We began to empty cupboards and fill bowls with anything we liked, knowing Michaels sweet tooth, there wasn't a disappointing array to choose from.


I swizzled round to see him already chewing on some and putting the rest into a giant bowl.

"Ew..." I chuckled.

He turned slowly with a mortified expression on his face, "You don't like popcorn?!"

I shook my head.

"Oh my god what am I even doing with you?" He sniggered.

I played along with his cheeky and playful yet somewhat sarcastic tone.

"I don't know Michael, what are you doing with me?" Amusement in my voice as I raised an eyebrow as he glanced at me from the pantry.

"Umm y'know what? I have no idea." His voice full of giggles as he strolled towards me, a big bowl of literally everything sweet and chocolatey you could lay your hands on under one of his arms but he carried on his playful voice, "All I know is...that I love you." He grinned, butterflies fluttered in my stomach, I don't think I would ever get used to him saying that.

He placed a delicate, slender finger under my chin as he gently lifted my head up, he leaned down slowly and just as I though he was going to kiss me, he popped a peanut M&M into my mouth and walked to the freezer in hysterics.

"That's so mean!" I tried to sulk but chomping on the M&M was making that hard.

"If I'm so mean you won't want any of this then?" He side smirked, holding up a tub of cookies and cream ice cream.

I gasped dramatically, my favourite!

"Umm yes I would like some of that...if not all of myself..."

I heard him chuckle, "Well then it's a good job I have two tubs isn't it?!" He said as he threw a tub to me and got the other tub of ice cream out of the freezer.

I eyed the two huge bowls we had filled with popcorn, chocolate, sweets...everything! Not to mention the no end of packets of things like Reeses Peanut Butter Cups and Nerds...and then the ice cream...and then the fizzy drinks...

"If I didn't know any better we are going to put at least 4 stone on each if we eat all this, this has tooth decay written all over it and that makes me feel good!" I said punching the air in over excitement.

He stared at me with his head cocked to a side, "Tooth decay makes you feel good?"

"Metaphorically" I giggled.

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