Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Still Grace's P.O.V.
I ran up the stairs, leaving Michael glued to the spot in the kitchen, I wasn't going to take that kind of shit from him, I'd took it from people all my life.

I entered my bedroom, not Michael's, I didn't want to be near him at the moment, unless he had the decency to apologise.

I slammed the door shut, rage seething through my veins as my blood boiled and my fists clenched. I growled under my breath as I felt the surge of pain in my palms from my finger nails digging dare he.

I needed to calm myself down. I opened the window, the cool dawn breeze hitting my face as I poked my head out, I took a deep breath in, the fresh air filling my lungs almost immediately made me forget about the drama. I stayed there for a while, watching the sun start to rise and the sky turn an ombré of colours.

It had been a while since I stormed upstairs, there was no use in me trying to sleep, I was too angry...too scared to even think about it.

The morning birds had began to sing and it was almost light outside...I had calmed down...slightly.

Suddenly there was a soft knock on the door, I sighed. Not acknowledging it.
Then it came again. Oh, so now he wanted me to open the door?

A third time, followed by his voice, "Grace? Can we talk?"

I rolled my eyes and went over, pulling the door open. "Don't you think we've done enough talking?" I snapped.

I looked at him, he looked exhausted, mentally and physically, he had bags under his eyes from the lack of sleep, his hair was a mess, he had blood smeared on his pyjamas, it could have been mine or Jermaine's. He stood in my doorway, looking somewhat sorry and holding two mugs of steaming tea.

"That wasn't talking...that was arguing..." he spoke softly now, like the Michael I knew. He looked down timidly. "I hate arguing with you...I'm sorry Grace. I-I...umm, I brought you tea..."

He held out one of the cups of tea, we didn't make eye contact as I took it from him.

"Thanks..." I said, I wasn't going to make an effort to seem happy.

"Can I...come in?" He asked sheepishly.

I sighed and moved to the side, holding out my arm in a motion to let him in, he glanced at me and entered, hovering in the middle of the room, sipping his tea. He looked like a lost child, in some ways I wanted to feel sorry for him, it must have been traumatic for him...but I wasn't going to give him any sympathy before he gave me any.

I sat down on the bed, I couldn't help but feel awkward, that was our first proper bust up and honestly...I hated the tension. But I was going to stand my ground.

"I thought you wanted to talk?" I said impatiently.

He looked up from his tea and nodded, "I do..."

I shrugged, "Then talk. Come sit." I patted the bed in front of me where he came and perched himself on the end.

He stared into space for a while, gripping his mug like his life depended on it, finally he spoke...he didn't look at me...his voice was almost a whisper.
"I was...I was scared, Grace. I didn't know what to do..." he turned to me now, he eyes red, he looked like he was about to cry...or had been crying. He struggled to carry on, "I'm sorry... I-I shouldn't have blamed any of this on was selfish of me, I needed somebody to my rage I blamed you and...I'm was Jermaines fault...I shouldn't have stood up for him. I'm glad I did what I did to him, I don't know what I would have done if he had raped you...he deserves everything he gets. I'm sorry for how my brother treats you...I-I guess I'm just used to being protected. I have bodyguards with me wherever I go...if something happens they deal with it...I've never had to deal with something like this by myself...especially not when it involves somebody I love. I guess I just...shocked myself...I never thought I'd raise a hand to anybody, never mind smash a bottle over my own siblings head and draw was not me...I guess I blamed you for bringing that out of me...I scared myself."

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