Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Grace's P.O.V.
I tossed the drenched shirt of his out onto the pools edge where it lay lifeless and unwanted.

I looked back to Mike...he was looking down at me, appearing slightly shifty at the sight of his bare torso.

I glanced it over, a couple more light patches had appeared...but it was beautiful...he was his own atlas and I was the one who wanted to be the explorer.

I reached up and put my palms on his cheeks, pulling him down gently so he was on my level.

"You're gorgeous..." I whispered before my lips latched onto his again.

I could feel him smile through the kiss aswell as him physically relax. I was going to convince him that he was beautiful, even if it took up my whole life.

I let one of my hands wander free from his cheek, floating down his neck, resting there for a moment...I remembered when Tito and Jackie told me his neck was one of his ultimate turn on spots...I smirked to myself and began to spiral my fingers lightly on the flesh of his neck...right under his ear.

Once again, a sharp inhale was his reaction...along with the slender fingers that had began playing with the hem of my T-shirt.

I broke the kiss but stayed close, our heavy breaths mingling, I let my hand travel down further, onto his chest, delicately tracing around a paler patch of skin with my fingers before leaning down and gently kissing it.

He had taken my other hand and was playing lightly with my fingers. before intertwining them with his.

I went on tip toes and kissed him on the cheek before he turned to me and whispered, "Again..." cheekily, and planted his sublime lips on mine once more...he just simply couldn't get enough...and nor could I.

My explorative hand had now dropped down further, I let my finger run over every ab, again and again...until I swept it over his groin...just below his belly button.

He froze...our lips still attached, I looked into his eyes, it wasn't the usual look of fear and apprehension...rather, mischief and yearn.

Michael's P.O.V.
Although the water was cool, the night air had a cold bite to it and my wet hair was icy to the was hot...things were hot.

No matter how hard I tried I could not keep my hands off of Grace. She was a lethal drug, and I was dangerously addicted.

My lips were forever ravenous for a hungry chick always wanting to be fed. Her aura was captivating, she drove me insane.

I was still a little embarrassed about having a bare chest, but the way Grace acted, the way she looked at me and the way she spoke about me...actually made me feel okay with myself...

My hand had found its way on the back of her head, her wet, black hair getting tangled between my fingers as I pushed her head nearer, only trying to impossibly deepen the kiss.

I was somewhat was only a mere few days before where I had practically begged for her to teach me how to look at us.

She worked her sumptuous lips perfectly, the way they shaped around mine was divine...I loved how she knew she was teasing me with the slight nibble on my bottom lip...

Only now, with her hands exploring my body...and her fingers sweeping my groin was the attention of the kiss not my main focus point anymore. My body juddered at the feeling, not with fear or...apprehension anymore...rather more because it tickled! I paused a moment, our lips still connected but eyes open...the eye contact was extreme...Grace probably thought I had stopped because I was uncomfortable with her touching my fact, her fingers swept along the waist band on my trousers...but...I wasn't uncomfortable, I welcomed it, I wanted it...I wanted...her.

I grinned with our lips still touchiness , giggling and shaking my head slightly, before resuming this heavenly kiss, hopefully this had given her the sign of, 'go ahead and carry on', but, before I let her, I offered an idea.

"Let's go upstairs..."

Grace's P.O.V.
I would be lying if I said I didn't partially jump at his words.

It was like a typical movie scenario with high school kids at a random party, the football jock and the cheerleader end up hooking up and the dude is always the one to say, "Let's go upstairs..."

Not that I was giving Michael that label...and not like I was ever going to be a cheerleader...but the moment did cause my heart to beat that little bit faster and my mind start to race. I mean...what's the first thing you're going to think of when someone says that to you?

It's not a, 'oh cool lets go upstairs and go take turns brushing our teeth' kinda thing...

It brings only one word into the mind, and that's...


I realised that my forehead was still pressing against Mikes, I had become so absorbed in my own thoughts that I forgot I was still in the presence of Michael!

"You still in there?" Mike said, tapping his finger on my head jokingly and giving a cute giggle.

I relaxed almost instantly, "Yeah! Yeah...sorry I-I don't know what happened there..." I laughed.

"Somebody went to their happy place!" He joked as he walked forwards, walking me backwards and us both towards the pool steps.

I grinned, "How is that possible when I am already in my happy place?" I kissed his cheek whilst playfully jabbing him in the ribs.

He squirmed and chuckled, "You're such a cheeseball y'know that?"

"I do now!" I laughed whilst we both climbed the pool steps, Mike grabbed his soaked, screwed up shirt from off the floor.

As we entered the kitchen through the French doors, Cheryl was sat at one of the breakfast bar stools reading a magazine, she looked up when she saw us, "Welcome back, sea lions, have a good splash about?" A mischievous smirk on her face.

"A very good one thank you..." Mike giggled.

Cheryl then watched as we were about to exit the kitchen, "HEY HEY! Watch it! Don't you be getting wet footprints on these floors! I just mopped them earlier! Come on now!" She almost screeched as we left little wet puddles on the kitchen floor with every step we took. We both ran out of the kitchen laughing loudly as she continued to shout.


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