Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Still Michael's P.O.V.
As if she had read my mind her grip around me tightened and her pace quickened a little making my back arch and my jaw to drop. I wanted to scream but nothing came out...which I was glad about.

My hands had curled into fists and my nails were digging into my palms, I was hot and sweaty but could do nothing as wave after wave of pleasure costumed my body. A low groan left my system and I heard her giggle a little, I looked at her, "What?" I struggled in the middle of another groan.

She shook her head mischievously, I would have argued but right now I just wanted to focus on what she was doing.
She teased my tip with her finger which drove me crazy, making my body shudder. She was still being gentle.

And I still wanted more. But I felt bad, I also wanted to pay her body som attention but that was the part I was most nervous about.

"So..." she began, a naughty glint in her eye, she looked excited, all of her nerves and boundaries had disappeared. "Shall I take you all the way with this?" She gave me a little squeeze making me yelp, "Or shall I try something different on you?" Sh leaned closer, still grinning and planted a kiss on my lips, my hand found the back of her head and pushed her further onto my lips, kissing at the best of times was wonderful but having her touch me at the same time was incredibly erotic, her hand left me and she slowly manoeuvred herself over me, her hands either side of my head and her knees either side of my waist.

It gave me palpitations thinking about how close we were. Both completely naked and in the position that could certainly lead to sex.

Grace's P.O.V.
With the look in his eyes it looked like he thought I was about to take both of our virginities, I couldn't blame him, my current position made it look like I was about to lower myself onto him...but I had other plans first.

With the looks of things he loved the feel of my hand around his cock, as much as I'd like to finish him off just by doing that...I wanted to explore what he liked further. Get to know his likes and his dislikes. I didn't just want to end the night on a lame handjob now, did I.

I leaned down to make him think I was about to kiss his lips, but I scooped further and planted a peck on his Adam's apple...then in the middle of his chest...the. Just above his belly button...and then he pulled me back up with a hand under my chin.

There was a glint of terror in his eyes, "Woah there..." he whispered.

"You don't want me to?" I smiled.

He didn't answer, a telltale sign that he did want me to..."Just a little nervous and...conscious." He shrugged, embarrassed.

I tucked a curl behind his ear, "You know I won't if you don't want me to. But just to let you know, I'll be gentle and there absolutely nothing to be conscious of. You're beautiful."

I saw his teeth shining in the moonlight that was seeping into the room, "You haven't seen yet..." he giggled, bashfully.

"No. But I've felt." I shrugged devilishly. I went lower again, repeating the same kisses in the same place on his body, I just wanted to see if he'd stop me again after I kissed above his navel...but he didn't. He let me go further.

I kissed his groin.
And then I could go no further.

Each breath bye took was loud and
raspy and every exhale was wobbly and nervous. He knew he could stop me at any time, just like he had done. So, because he hadn't, I took it as an okay to go ahead.

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